What does M to the B mean? Millie B, TikTok Song / Song, Meaning, Explanation, Lyrics

„M to the B“ is a song by Millie B that she recorded back in 2016 at the age of 16.

Influencer and TikToker Bella Porch made the song popular in 2020 when she used it in a song. Through the social media app TikTok, the song „M to the B“ became popular. On TikTok, the song has led to over 7 million video reactions and millions of views.

„M to the B“ stands for Millie B.

„M to the B“: Millie B / Millie Bracewell (lyrics, content, meaning)

Behind the stage name „Millie B“ is Millie Bracewell. Millie Bracewell is English and comes from the coastal town of Blackpool. She was part of the grime scene in Blackpool and recorded the song „M to the B“ in 2016 as a diss track or front. She wanted to diss Sophie Aspin, a grime rapper from Manchester, United Kingdom (UK).

By the way, in 2017 Millie Bracewell stopped rapping. In 2018 she had her daughter and became a mother. She was not active in social media either. She devoted herself entirely to her daughter. After Millie Bracewell heard about the success of her song in 2020, she decided to become active in social media again.

Millie B initially released her song with video „M to the B“ in 2016 simply. The video was recorded in a supermarket (probably Lidl) and fast food snack. In the video, small videos were repeatedly inserted. The social media participants and influencers four years later massively react to the song, she could not have guessed.

When influencer Bella Porch reacted to the song and shot a video, it triggered a wave of enthusiasm and the song went viral. In particular, the song became very popular on TikTok. Bella Porch didn’t expect the video to be so successful because it was actually meant as a joke. The video was a joke than intended because of her doll-like appearance, the „head dance“ and the squint at the end.

The song „M to the B“ is catchy because the lyrics are repeated so often. The phrase „It’s M to the B“ is repeated several times in a row. Especially as „It’s M to the B! It’s M to the B! It’s M M M to the B!“ Likewise, the tones used provided the recognition value.

The melody of „M to the B“ is from 2012 and is by Bordum Beats (Dean Williams).

„M to the B“: Distribution

As of June 2020, the song „M to the B“ became more popular in Germany. It received the most queries on Google in September 2020. (Source: Google Trends.)

In English-language social media, the song „M to the B“ became more popular in 2022 as the Chav aesthetic became more talked about. („Chav“ is a derogatory term for lower-class people in the UK).

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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