What is the Fanum Tax? Memes, Meaning, Definition, Explanation

„Fanum Tax“ goes back to the US content creator and streamer Fanum. Fanum helped himself to other people’s food in his streams. This was and is jokingly called „Fanum Tax“.

What is Fanum Tax? Memes, meaning, definition, explanation

The „Fanum Tax“ is a running gag in Fanum’s streams.

The „Fanum Tax“ is applied, for example, when Fanum fetches food for his friends and demands payment (aka tax) for this service. In the case of food such as chicken nuggets or fries, the „Fanum Tax“ is particularly easy to apply. This is because these are very easy to count.

In general, „Fanum Tax“ means that you can help yourself to other people’s food. Another expression for „Fanum Tax“ is „Food Tax“.

The amount of the tax is based on the hunger of the person taxing the others.

Fanum especially often helped himself to the food of Kai Cenat.

The expression „Fanum Tax“ is especially common among people of Gen Z and Gen Alpha. According to „Know Your Meme“, the expression „Fanum Tax“ is said to have already entered the everyday language of US teenagers. In US schools, the expression is said to be spreading.

Jokingly, these young people steal food from each other while shouting „Fanum Tax“.

Fanum Tax: History

The running gag „Fanum Tax“ probably originated in December 2022, where videos about Fanum Tax first spread. One well-known video is „Fanum steals Kai’s cookies“ from December 23, 2022, which may be the first more popular mention of the „Fanum Tax.“

As early as July 2023, there was an entry about the „Fanum Tax“ in the Urban Dictionary.

In the song „Sticking Out Your Gyat for the Rizzler,“ the phrase „fanum tax“ spread further. Among other things, this song was also called „Fanum Tax Song.“

The hashtag #fanumtax was used over 270 million times on TikTok.

Fanum Tax: what could be behind it?

Well this behavior is a good way to get attention from others and stand out. Maybe Fanum wants more attention?

Of course, in conjunction with social media glorifying such behavior and turning it into memes, this can be harmful. After all, Fanum receives attention and notoriety this way. Thus, he receives positive feedback for his behavior, which leads to the behavior being consolidated.

Helping yourself to others‘ food is rude. Such behavior disturbs others and also builds stress. In fact, if you don’t want to force share, you have to start defending your food. Because, what is a joke for some, is just annoying and disturbing for others.

Well, let’s not take this trend too seriously. It’s probably just a joke. But the times in which you could eat in peace are probably over. (At least until this trend is forgotten).

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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