What is the „Bare Minimum Monday“? Meaning, explanation, definition

The concept of the „Bare Minimum Monday“ is in clear contrast to the current zeitgeist. Here, the individual consciously takes a day out of the working routine and only performs the absolute minimum. Instead of being productive or overcommitted, only a minimum amount of work is done or performance is offered.

The „Bare Minimum Monday“ thus joins a multitude of relaxation concepts and approaches that are typical for modern society (and especially for the field of knowledge work). In the following article, the term „Bare Minimum Monday“ will be explained in detail. In addition, a practical reference as well as criticism of the concepts behind it will be pointed out.

What is the „Bare Minimum Monday“? Meaning, Explanation, Definition

The exact origin of the term „Bare Minimum Monday“ is not known. Presumably, this relatively new concept goes back to online communities that gradually coined it. Essentially, „Bare Minimum Monday“ describes a mindset in which the individual consciously implements a relaxed and less striving Monday and accordingly shows little willingness to work and perform.

It is a concept that is antithetical to today’s meritocracy and serves the individual’s own relaxation. At the same time a certain protest attitude is inherent in the concept. Monday represents the first working day after the weekend, which in itself already serves for relaxation. Consequently, the individual already received his recreation on the weekend, but nevertheless continues it indirectly to Monday.

The principle of the „Bare Minimum Monday“ briefly explained

The principle of the „Bare Minimum Monday“ is still relatively new and describes a mindset, respectively a work concept. This is based, so to speak, on the „path of least resistance“, which is taken by the individual with it. The „Bare Minimum Monday“ is used exclusively on Mondays – above all at the workplace, in training or in a school or university environment.

In the following subsections, the principles behind the „Bare Minimum Monday“ and its practical relevance will be explained.

Rules and principles

The principle behind „Bare Minimum Monday“ is to consciously do less on Monday, or to limit oneself to the most necessary. Hectic, endless to-do lists as well as stress and a high workload are taboo on this day. Instead, the individual limits himself to the completion of the essentials. The individual also decides for himself what activities he wants to do.

„Bare Minimum Monday“ in practice

With „Bare Minimum Monday“, for example, the individual consciously reduces his or her working hours (preferably on Mondays) and only takes time for the most important tasks. At the same time, individual commitments, communication and other distractions are reduced to the absolute minimum. In many places, more time is scheduled instead for relaxation, more muse, and more exercise. The latter activities are intended to reduce stress levels and thus increase well-being.

A „lazy Monday“ is especially popular among individuals in employment (white-collar, blue-collar or part-time workers) as well as trainees, pupils and students. The concept of the „Bare Minimum Monday“ is mainly used by younger generations – primarily without consultation with the respective superior.

Why is the „Bare Minimum Monday“ used by many?

The „Bare Minimum Monday“ is used by many people to create an additional day of relaxation to the weekend. This may be necessary, for example, if the weekend was used for recreation, but it was sometimes exhausting and stressful. This can be, for example, a visit to a festival or a short trip to another city or country.

At the same time, „Bare Minimum Monday“ is a popular way for many users to create an easy and pleasant start to the work week filled with obligations. So, instead of starting Monday directly under full concentration and efforts, a gentle start is preferred here.

Differences to other „Lazy concepts

In contrast to other „Lazy concepts“ the „Bare Minimum Monday“ (as the name already suggests) is mainly limited to the weekday Monday. For many pupils, students, trainees and employees, this is the first day after the weekend and heralds the start of a new working week.

In other „lazy concepts“, the day of the week is not specified. Also, in these, there is less commitment to the approach, such as in the „Bare Minimum Monday“. In the latter, the workload is deliberately reduced and only absolutely necessary activities are carried out – in other „lazy concepts“, sometimes not even the minimum requirements are implemented.

Criticism of „Bare Minimum Monday

The „Bare Minimum Monday“ concept also has critics in particular, who fear that important tasks and obligations can be neglected so quickly. In addition, these fear a lowering of general productivity, since individuals create less on balance in the work week due to a „Bare Minimum Monday“.

Still others criticize the fact that the concept of a „Bare Minimum Monday“ is facing headwinds at all, citing the criticism as yet another example of this society’s excessive focus on productivity and performance. Instead, they argue, individuals should be allowed more time for (self-instructed) self-care and relaxation.

Conclusion on „Bare Minimum Monday“

In summary, „Bare Minimum Monday“ is a relatively new concept in which individuals consciously take time for themselves and relaxation in exchange for reducing the workload present on Monday. „Bare Minimum Mondays“ are often self-instructed and have critics in many places – especially in the performance-based work world.

Related to the term „Bare Minimum Monday“ are, among others, the terms „Self-Care Sunday“ as well as „Digital Detox“. While „Self-Care Sunday“ takes place on Sundays and focuses primarily on increasing one’s own well-being, „Digital Detox“ is a time-independent concept that involves consciously abstaining from (digital) media consumption.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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