What is Hair Cycling? Meaning, explanation, definition

Hair cycling is basically like skin cycling. Not only a single hair shampoo is used, but several shampoos with different ingredients as well as modes of action. The background is that this should improve the scalp and hair in the long term. It is particularly important that the hair is given enough time in between so that it can rest. Daily hair washing is therefore taboo.

Of course, Hair Cycling wouldn’t be a new trend if it hadn’t gone viral on TikTok. Kelsey Griffin, a TikToker explains how Hair Cycling is done properly. She herself washes her hair only two to three times a week, resorting to a different shampoo each time she washes it. First she uses a detox shampoo, on the second wash she uses a repair shampoo and finally she resorts to a moisturizing shampoo.

What is the purpose of Hair Cycling?

With this concept it is possible to treat the hair specifically for various existing problems. This is not necessarily a new trend, because for a long time various hairdressers have been advising to always adapt the shampoo to the changing needs of the hair. Thus, a new haircut or even a change in season can change the needs of the hair. The Hair Cycling concept can thus be adapted to almost any hair type and can provide individual care, without having to make it a ten-step sequence right away.

Advantages: Hair Cycling

If you believe the figures from TikTok, Hair Cycling seems to be a new beauty trend. Countless beauty TikTokers as well as hair experts swear by this trend. Due to the fact that different products are used with each hair wash, the hair does not have the opportunity to „get sick“ of one product.

The risk of stagnation thus decreases. In addition, scalp irritation or redness caused by excessive care due to deep cleansing shampoos or scalp peels is reduced to a minimum. With hair cycling, people should learn to use these products only when the hair really needs it. You can compare this roughly with cycling. Over time, one learns better and better in which stage the hair is at the moment and which care it needs now.

Can Hair Cycling really work?

This new trend actually makes sense, because just like our skin, hair needs different ingredients as well as treatments to stay healthy and beautiful for longer. Weather or lifestyle changes can also alter the hair’s needs. Sometimes the hair is rather oily, on other days again the hair feels very dry and calls for a shampoo that moisturizes.

Accordingly, hair cycling is a clear advantage for all hair types and textures. If the same product is used too intensively or for a longer period of time, it can even be harmful to the hair. A shampoo with oils can be taken as an example here. If this shampoo is used all the time, this can unnecessarily weigh down the hair over time.

Thus, in turn, more time must be invested in styling, which not only attacks the hair, but also costs an enormous amount of time. Of course, everyone has different preferences when it comes to the frequency of hair washing, but the hair should be allowed to rest now and then.

Which products are suitable for hair cycling?

First of all, this depends on your own preferences and hair. Especially in the winter months, however, it makes sense to include a product that is particularly good for the scalp. In the summer, you should rather fall back on stronger cleansing products, so that sweat and remnants of sunscreen can be rinsed out better. Usually, however, almost any product can be incorporated into the Hair Cycling Routine that suits your own hair.

What does a hair cycling routine look like?

1. routine: Detox

According to experts, the first hair wash should definitely focus on detoxifying the hair. A clarifying cleansing shampoo, for example, is suitable for this purpose. This is the perfect way to loosen deposits that have accumulated on the scalp and hair. A gentle scalp peeling also makes sense during the first wash. Following this, a rich mask can be applied to the hair, which at best can be left to work overnight. In this way, sufficient moisture can be restored to the hair.

2nd sequence: Repair and build up

In the second sequence of hair washing should resort to bonding products. These help the hair to repair. They serve to restore the hydrogen bonds inside the hair. Hair damage can thus be replenished particularly well. This part should be used weekly especially for those people who experiment a lot with chemical treatments or colors. Protein-containing care shampoos or a bonding treatment mask are suitable for this purpose.

3. sequence: Moisture and individual care

Ideal conclusion of the hair cycling are products with fatty acids. The hair should now lock in as much natural oils and moisture as possible. Either products like a smoothing conditioner or a moisturizing shampoo are suitable for this. A conditioning spray or even a leave-in conditioner can be used perfectly for this.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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