What is the 60/180 rule / method? Meaning, definition, explanation

With the 60/180 rule it is possible for everyone to get well-groomed and shiny hair. If you follow this rule when washing your hair, nothing will stand in the way of a healthy mane. It is just a little trick so that the active ingredients of the shampoo are absorbed by the hair much better.

If one believes the hair professionals, it depends crucially on the exposure time of the shampoo, in order to receive shining and clean hair. Many people do not have enough time in the morning to take sufficient care of their hair, but the small investment of time is worth it. In fact, for healthy and beautiful hair, the 60/180 method should definitely be followed; especially for the repairing and moisturizing shampoos.

Most people wash their hair the same way: massage in briefly, rinse out and then leave the conditioner on for some time. But not only the conditioner needs its exposure time, but also the hair shampoo needs its time to develop the full effectiveness of the ingredients. Especially with products that are for very dry or damaged hair, the 60/180 method is particularly important.

How does the 60/180 rule / method work? Explanation

First of all, it depends on the instantaneous condition of the hair. If you use shampoo especially for dry or damaged hair, you should leave it on a little longer. The talk here is about one to three minutes – that is, for 60 to 180 seconds. In addition, hairdressers explain that depending on the degree of damage and length of the hair, the shampoo also needs a longer exposure time.

In addition, people who also use styling products such as hair gel or spray every day should definitely leave the shampoo on for the full three minutes. This is the only way to ensure that the scalp and hair can also absorb the valuable, nourishing active ingredients of the shampoo. If you have somewhat shorter hair, one minute of exposure time is sufficient, as the hair is usually less stressed.

But it depends not only on the exposure time, but also on how the shampoo is applied. The best place to start is at the scalp and gradually pull the shampoo over the hair to the tips. This technique is the best way to remove dirt and styling residues from the hair.

During the exposure time of the shampoo, a scalp massage can also be performed. Due to the stimulation of the scalp, the active ingredients of the shampoo can be absorbed much better. If you take the 60/180 rule to heart, you will be rewarded with a future, shiny mane.

Tips for beautiful hair

With an exposure time of one to three minutes, it is possible to get the hair shinier and more beautiful. With an additional scalp massage, the hair follicles can be stimulated. In addition, there are other routine rules that should be followed when washing your hair:


Conditioner, shampoo or hair treatment – what comes first? First of all, the shampoo should be applied, which effectively removes the dirt and styling residues. This is followed by the hair conditioner and only at the very end is the conditioner massaged into the hair. At each intermediate step should also be sure to rinse thoroughly.

Water temperature

The water should not be set too hot for washing the hair. A lukewarm temperature is best for washing hair. If you wash your hair with water that is too hot, your scalp may start to become greasy more quickly. In addition, heat damages the hair.


Many people wash their hair every day to every other day. However, according to recommendations from hair professionals, people with more dry hair should wash their hair no more than once or twice a week, and people with more oily hair should wash every other day.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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