What is Quiet Thriving? Meaning, definition, explanation

Individual well-being at work is a core factor in today’s working world. Satisfied employees and a happy working environment are therefore seen as key factors for success at work and for successful companies in general. However, satisfaction and well-being are also considered desirable factors in all other areas of life, opening the door to success and a balanced life.

In many places, therefore, there are new concepts such as „Quiet Thriving,“ which work researchers have discovered among employees. This is an attitude in which people actively seek to change prevailing structures. Instead of passively accepting them and surrendering to circumstances, they make a conscious effort to influence them. The goal is to feel more comfortable again in the corresponding environment. This can involve many different areas of life. „Quiet Thriving“ is seen as a positive quality in which the person takes on more responsibility and tries to free himself from a spiral of dissatisfaction.

Instead of merely surviving in the respective environment, the person tries to actively shape it, to change it and to have a direct influence on it. „Quiet Thriving“ is gaining more and more importance in today’s society and will therefore be the subject of the following article. In this article, the term, its practical relevance and its advantages will be fully explained.

What is Quiet Thriving? Meaning, definition, explanation

The term „Quiet Thriving“ comes from the English language and means something like „quiet thriving“. The adjective „quiet“ (German: still or quiet) refers to a course of action that is carried out in secret and without attracting the attention of others. The verb „to thrive“ here refers to the direct pursuit of success or advancement. This can happen, for example, through the acquisition of expertise, certifications as well as various successes. These then ensure that the individual gains influence as well as professional, private or sporting success.

„Quietly thriving“ contrasts with the approach in which the individual publicly professes to advance and involves others in his or her plans. Rather, „Quiet Thriving“ is about the individual implementing his or her plans in secret and not letting others in on them. The reasons for this can be quite complex. Presumably, someone who engages in „Quiet Thriving“ is a person with low self-esteem or a lack of social connection. Often, these people secretly do not dare to make a (public) change and are afraid of failure (to be ridiculed and scorned in case of non-achievement).

How does „Quiet Thriving“ happen?

There are many situations in which Quiet Thriving can occur. These can be both positive and negative. In many places, Quiet Thriving occurs where there is a fundamental dissatisfaction, but at the same time the necessary freedom is given or left to the individual to work on the aspects of dissatisfaction. Also, Quiet Thriving often occurs in an environment of consideration of individual needs as well as appreciation. The individual then secretly feels obligated to grow for the community. Work that is perceived as meaningful and transparent communication are further environments in which quiet thriving can often occur.

The bottom line is that quiet thriving occurs wherever a certain dissatisfaction with the initial conditions prevails and, at the same time, a great deal of freedom is granted for individual development. In this, the actual, individual potential can thus be freely unfolded. This also indirectly improves the productivity and effectiveness of organizations, communities as well as systems.

„Quiet Thriving“ in practice

„Quiet Thriving“ is observed today in a wide variety of areas. In the following subsections, we will show typical life situations in which quiet thriving often occurs and what effects it can have in the respective environment.

In the school and university environment

At school and in the university environment, „quiet thriving“ can become noticeable through a targeted improvement in grades or results. Pupils or students increase their learning effort, initiate learning groups or take on responsibility and commitment when giving lectures or as speakers. „Quiet Thriving“ is thus noticeable in the school and university environment primarily through the silent striving for better grades, through more proactivity and through more assumption of personal responsibility.

At the workplace

At the workplace, „quiet thriving“ becomes noticeable, among other things, through the assumption of more responsibility (for example, in the form of larger projects, additional activities, and a greater volume of work). Here, individuals strive for more expertise, show more commitment and try to develop themselves further without managers or superiors noticing.

In private

„Quiet Thriving“ can also take place in private life. For example, it can involve improving one’s own circumstances in terms of health, career, income and social environment. In private life, this happens primarily through the conscious initiation of strategies, tactics and courses of action that are intended to lead to greater success in the areas mentioned.

What are the advantages of Quiet Thriving?

The concept of „Quiet Thriving“ offers a multitude of advantages for the respective individual, all of which will be listed below:

  • targeted promotion of one’s own well-being (by eliminating one’s own feeling of powerlessness and by improving one’s own circumstances)
  • individual strengths are promoted (respectively weaknesses are reduced)
  • active shaping of circumstances, environments as well as attitudes (leads to more success and prosperity in organizations or communities)
  • strengthening of mental health
  • increase of productivity and effectiveness
  • positive culture
  • Reduction of burnout risks

Conclusion on Quiet Thriving

The concept of „Quiet Thriving“ offers a promising opportunity to strengthen the individual well-being of employees, pupils, students and athletes and at the same time to advance the organization, community or system. It also improves individual health (mental, as well as physical) and resilience. It is now considered an important tool for preventing burnout.

Related to the term „Quiet Thriving“ are for example the terms „positive psychology“, „strength orientation“ as well as „stress management“ or „personal responsibility“. While „positive psychology“ and „stress management“ belong to the realm of esotericism and regeneration, „strength orientation“ and „personal responsibility“ are primarily aimed at personal development.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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