The word „Ruzzia“ is a neologism (neologism) from the word „Russia“ and the Russian nationalist propaganda symbol „Z“.
„Ruzzia“ is an alternative name for Russia.
What does „RuZZia“ mean? Meaning, definition, explanation
The term „Ruzzia“ formed after the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and the spreading of the Russian propaganda symbol „Z“. (The „Z“ stands for „Za pobyedu“ and means „For victory“ in German).
The term „Ruzzia“ (with two Z’s) has a pejorative connotation. „Ruzzia“ refers to a nationalistic Russia.
The word „Ruzzia“ is used in social media. It is intentionally used as a substitute for the word „Russia“. Which is why the inhabitants of Ruzzia are not called „Russians“, but „Ruzzians“.
There are two spellings here: Ruzzia and RuZZia (with two capital Z’s).
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