What does „FCK PTN“ / #FCKPTN mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

#FCKPTN is a political hashtag used to express disapproval of Russian President Vladimir Putin, his policies and the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine.

What does „FCK PTN“ / #FCKPTN mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The hashtag #FCKPTN is used in social media, first and foremost Twitter, when talking about the situation in Ukraine in February / March 2022, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin’s policies and the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine.

If Vladimir Putin is talked about with the hashtag #FCKPTN, the message usually has negative to derogatory, discrediting and/or condemning content.

The hashtag #FCKPTN is made up of two parts. „FCK“ and „PTN.“ Both parts were created by omitting vowels. „FCK“ actually stands for „F_ck.“ (Replace the underscore with an „u.“) And „PTN“ stands for „Putin.“ (The „u“ and the „i“ have been omitted).

Other hashtags used in the context are: #StandingWithUkraine, #PutinsWar, #PutinInWar, #StopPutin, #StopPutinNOW and #UkraineWar.

What does FCK PTN mean in english? Translation, explanation

The „FCK PTN“ can be translated as „F_ck Putin“. The exact literal translation of FCK is not purposeful, because the catchphrase is not about the desire to have consensual sex with Vladimir Putin. The „F_ck Putin“ here is a true-to-sense translation that fits the context of the hashtag’s use on social media.

The hashtag #FCKPTN is related to the well-known hashtags FCK AKP, FCK CPS and FCK NZS. In terms of its wording, the hashtag #FCKPTN is in the spirit of the RUN-DMC style.

The hashtag #FCKPTN expresses disapproval very quickly and easily. It is language efficient and universally recognizable.

Spread: „FCK PTN“ / #FCKPTN

Since February 24, 2022, search engines have been increasingly searching for „FCK PTN“ and #FCKPTN“. On the same day, the Russian attack on Ukraine began.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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