What does a white heart emoji đŸ€ mean? Meaning, explanation

On the one hand, the white heart emoji stands for romantic love as well as desire and longing. On the other hand, it can express sadness and is supposed to give comfort. In this sense, it signals helpfulness and support. The white heart gains its concrete meaning mostly from the combination with other emojis.

What does a white heart emoji đŸ€ mean? Meaning, explanation

If the white heart is combined with a kiss smiley or a red heart, it stands for love, passion or friendly affection. Combined with a candy bar, it shows the desire or longing for white chocolate. Linking the white heart emoji with a snowman is an allusion to the season of winter. If a Santa Claus follows the white heart, a Christmas greeting is sent.

The white heart emoji đŸ€ is also called „clear heart“, „heart of purity“ or „winter heart“. It stands for positive feelings.

The meaning of the color white

In Western cultural circles, the color white stands for purity, cleanliness, enlightenment, innocence and peace. For example, the white flag is raised to stop fighting and initiate peace negotiations. The dove of peace is also white. A person who has done nothing wrong has a clean slate. A bride wears white at her wedding if she is innocent going into the marriage. Last but not least, the work clothes of doctors and medical personnel are white to inspire confidence in their purity in the sense of cleanliness and hygiene.

White is a contrasting color. It can dazzle or illuminate. It can make a place appear structured and orderly, but also sterile and empty. White is associated with light and brightness as well as with distance and coldness.

In Far Eastern cultures, but also in Africa, white is the color of mourning and death. White is therefore worn at funerals. Support, comfort and helpfulness are central in this context.

Looking at nature, white is often associated with snow, clouds or a spray. White flowers are particularly fragrant. There are numerous white, graceful animals. Moreover, the white dove has a biblical meaning. It refers to holiness.

In addition, white stands for a new beginning. As a color that physically combines all other colors, white can signal equality. Equality, meanwhile, is associated with justice and neutrality. Another meaning of the color white as a totality of all colors is perfection and thus also the good or right.

About white heart emoji đŸ€

The white heart emoji đŸ€ is available since 2019. It was released in Unicode 12.0. Depending on the platform or operating software (OS), it is white to white-greyish. Also, depending on the platform or operating software (OS), it is sometimes displayed with border or without border.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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