What is „Wo Xing Shi“? TikTok, meaning, definition, explanation

„Wo xing shi“ became a dance trend on TikTok in August and September 2023.

What is „Wo xing shi“? TikTok, meaning, definition, explanation.

„Wo Xing Shi“ is a song by Chinese musician Guxi. In the original, the song is called „我姓石“ and it means „My name is Shi“. „Wo xing shi“ is the romanization of the Chinese characters „我姓石“ and accordingly means „My name is Shi“.

In the dance trend „Wo xing shi“ you usually see two people. One stands in front of the camera and sings. The other person stands in the background and dances. While the person in front of the camera sings, the person in the background changes sides. Sometimes she dances on the left, sometimes on the right. The person dancing in the background sways her hips to the melody while she has her hands to her head.

The Chinese musician released the song „我姓石 (My Name Is Shi)“ on YouTube back on June 23, 2022.

On August 1, 2023, the TikToker @zzq12037nf6 released a video in which he used Guxi’s song and showed pictures of babies in the video.

In mid-August 2023, the „Wo Xing Shi“ dance trend started in Russia. First users showed how they danced to the song.

„Wo Xing Shi“: Guxi: lyrics, translation

My name is Shi
Whenever I meet you, I’m worth it.

My name is Shi
Writing with pen and paper is like a horse in a Mercedes Benz.

My name is Shi
My name is Shi, and I care about the value of the pen.

My name is Shi.
High-ranking, far-sighted people like their names are shameless.

I am not afraid of the wind and the sand.
All people praise you.

The stars watch over you.
You are the best of the best.

All the way forward again.
Destined to win in life.

All storms will be peaceful.
Sail to glory again.

Editor’s note: Yes, the lyrics are meaningless. It can only be guessed what Guxi was thinking. The beat and the melody of the song are catchy.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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