The Boring Uncle Theory is not a scientifically proven theory, so it is merely empirical data that supports the theory.
The Boring Uncle Theory is about distancing oneself from uninteresting people in a polite way. In doing so, people who are approached by boring people imagine that their uncle would approach them. It is supposed to help keep polite and nice even if there is no interest for the person.
Especially on TikTok, the Boring Uncle Theory has spread. Users give each other tips on how to avoid unpleasant conversations. In the further course of the text, further explanations on the exact approach of the „boring uncle theory“ and much more follow.
Intention of the Boring Uncle Theory in everyday life
The primary goal of the theory is to avoid certain people. Whether it’s acquaintances, work colleagues, or the neighbor you run into regularly, you don’t always want to run into these people. At the same time, you don’t want to make yourself unpopular or hurt them. This is exactly where the Boring Uncle Theory comes in, to avoid people without being hurtful or dismissive.
In this way, it is possible to distance yourself from people in order to spend your time elsewhere, such as with people who really interest you. Generally speaking, this is called social distancing. The ability to distance oneself from other people is of elementary importance. It helps to interact preferably with people you really care about.
How to do it: this is how the Boring Uncle Theory works
As mentioned at the beginning, it is not a scientific term. Therefore, the following are not authoritative tips that have been empirically tested. They have been derived from personal experiences of other users who share their experiences on the Internet.
Among other things, it is important to refrain from asking questions to signal disinterest to another person. With this, there will be fewer topics that lead to a deepening of the conversation. At the same time, there is the advantage that the other person is not directly rejected. Non-verbal or physical language is also important. It is helpful to avoid too long eye contact. In addition, one can adopt a restrained body posture.
A simple and equally effective way to end contact is to look for excuses. The conversation is prevented in advance, so you can cleverly avoid the situation. The neighbor wants to talk too much in the yard again? Then it is possible to point out to her that you bought ice cream, which must go into the freezer. It is important to look for reasons that are plausible and justify avoiding the conversation. For example, the aforementioned excuse is only suitable as an excuse in the summer and less so in the winter.
The „Boring Uncle Theory“ in dating
In the course of digitalization, dating has become far easier. New people can be met in just a few clicks. Disadvantage: It’s just as quick to meet boring people you don’t want to hurt. That’s why the Boring Uncle Theory has also established itself in the dating world.
The theory can be used to avoid dating partners who don’t make the short list. Away from that, toxic dating partners can also be avoided without getting too close to the person. But how can the tips be implemented in dating? For one, excuses can be used to end a meeting immediately. Whether the on-call duty at work or an incident in the family, enough reasons can be found.
On the other hand, the meeting can merely be shortened. In this regard, it is advisable to reveal as little as possible about yourself and ask few questions. It ensures that the course of the conversation is superficial. This will make it all the easier to end the meeting at a suitable time.
Conclusion: What is the Boring Uncle Theory?
The Boring Uncle Theory is particularly helpful and versatile in everyday life. It helps to reject people in a discreet way without hurting anyone. This makes everyday life easier because you can save a lot of time by avoiding contact with uninteresting people.