What is „Remove Miner“ (TikTok)? Meaning, definition, explanation

On TikTok, in March 2022, a lot of comments appeared under videos that simply said „Remove Miner“. This begs the question, what does „Remove Miner“ mean?

What is Remove Miner (TikTok)? Meaning, definition, explanation

The term „Remove Miner“ is related to the mobile game „Clash Royale“ (Clash of Clans). In „Clash Royale“ there is a unit called „Miner“.

Fans of „Clash Royale“ demanded with their comments „Remove Miner“ that the unit „Miner“ should be removed from the game „Clash Royale“ or nerfed.

The „Clash Royale“ fans who wrote „Remove Miner“ en masse on TikTok managed to catch the attention of the „Clash Royale“ makers. On the „Clash Royale“ Twitter channel, the „Clash Royale“ makers posted videos of the „Miner“ being attacked by various opponents. BUT this was not enough for the „Remove Miner“ writers. They continue to post their comments in order to get a revision of the Miner.

A variant of the „Remove Miner“ comment is „Nerf Miner“.

Who is the Miner? Clash Royale Miner

The Miner is a melee unit that can dig tunnels. It can appear anywhere in the arena.

The Miner ignores walls and can appear right next to its targets. If the Miner is underground, it does not suffer any damage and does not trigger a trap.

The editors suspect that the tunnel digger (Miner) causes frustration for some players, because it ignores walls, which makes a defensive strategy more difficult and ineffective. This raises the question of how and whether to invest in walls as a defense at all.

On March 29, 2022, the „The Miner Update“ of Clash Royale was released.

Distribution „Remove Miner

On Google, searches for „Remove Miner“ increased massively from mid-March 2022. This is true for worldwide searches.

Other meaning of „Remove Miner“

In another context, the phrase „Remove Miner“ may refer to a CPU or Bitcoin.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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