What is Loud quitting? Explanation, meaning, definition

„Loud Quitting“ is the counterpart to the current trend of „Quiet Quitting“. Loud Quitting“ involves letting superiors and colleagues know what is bothering you in your current job. The goal here is not to quit immediately, but rather to demand the things you need to be happy again. If the requests are not met by the employer, one draws the appropriate consequence and quits.

What is the difference between „Loud Quitting“ and „Quiet Quitting“?

With „quiet quitting“, employees do not directly express their displeasure about the current working conditions. Instead, they perform only the absolute minimum amount of work in their day-to-day work that is specified in their contract. So it’s often a silent form of protest against the voluntary extra work that employers often expect employees to do. Many people also use „Quiet Quitting“ as a form of self-protection, for example, when they have already internally quit and are looking for new employment, but have not yet officially submitted their resignation.

Does „Loud Quitting“ work?

In many cases, „Loud Quitting“ can definitely achieve the desired changes. In any case, it is important to communicate openly with your employer or superiors if you are dissatisfied with something. This is the only way to work out solutions together. It can become difficult if one uses the termination almost as a form of blackmail or threat to enforce wishes or needs. Here it can happen that the plan does not work out and one is simply asked to resign and look for another job.

So you shouldn’t count on „Loud Quitting“ to get what you want. In the worst case scenario, you threaten to quit, which you don’t end up following through with, and you risk bad vibes at work. Doing so would only exacerbate what was already a less than ideal situation and risk further psychological distress.

Some people also go into negotiations claiming to already have an offer that meets all the conditions they are currently demanding from their employer. In the best case, this is true and works out and you keep your current job on the same terms you would have negotiated in your next job.

In the worst case, there is no offer and the current employer does not acquiesce to the negotiation requests. Here, you must then either call the bluff – which is extremely unpleasant – or go through with the plan, quit, and hope you find a new job quickly enough.

How should you approach „Loud Quitting“?

To be as successful as possible in getting your job needs met or improving your current conditions, you shouldn’t just rush out and make demands. It’s better to take a close look beforehand at how things are communicated within the company and whether supervisors or employers are even open to such conversations. If this is not the case, you can usually save yourself the mental work and may be better off with „quiet quitting.“

It is also advisable not to talk about the plans in front of work colleagues or to vent your displeasure too often. It can always happen that colleagues talk to superiors about their own plans. This greatly reduces the chances of success of the „quiet quitting“ strategy.

Open communication with superiors is in most cases the right way to make a decision for or against quitting. This is because even if the superiors are not open to a discussion, one has received a clear answer.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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