What is celery juice? Effect for health, explanation

The origin of celery is in the Mediterranean region. Usually, the celery juice is made from celery and not from the celeriac. Celery juice is particularly suitable for a balanced diet, which is not least due to the many healthy ingredients. In addition, 100 g of celery contain just 18 kilocalories. In addition, celery is rich in many vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Antioxidants
  • vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Calcium

Things to know about celery juice

The best thing about celery juice is that it is obtained from raw celery. Due to this fact, all the healthy ingredients are fully preserved, which means that they can be absorbed by the body almost entirely.

Eating celery raw has several advantages. For example, celery has a mild dehydrating effect, which helps to get rid of unwanted fluid retention. Due to the so-called terpenes (oils), celery is even said to have an antibacterial effect. For people who would like to lose some weight, the celery juice can supportively help. The reason for this is the low fat and calorie content of celery. In addition, it fills the stomach and prevents cravings. The contained bitter substances as well as oils can support the digestion and relieve besides easy stomach complaints.

But in some cases, caution is also called for: Not everyone tolerates celery juice equally well. In particular, people with kidney problems should seek medical advice beforehand. The same applies to pregnant women.

Effect of celery juice

As mentioned above, raw celery contains some minerals, trace elements as well as vitamins. Celery juice is said to have numerous healthy effects. Among other things, the medicine guru Anthony William is said to have found out some positive effects on celery.

Those who drink celery juice can promote their intestinal and stomach health. Chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, heartburn, leaky gut or constipation can be alleviated with the help of celery juice. In addition, celery juice has a blood purifying and blood pressure lowering effect. The reason for this could be the combination of magnesium and potassium, as both minerals have a relaxing effect on blood vessels.

The relatively high vitamin K content strengthens the bones as well as the heart. The vitamin C found in celery is good for anti-inflammation. Various diseases such as joint pain, eczema, rheumatic diseases, acne and even autoimmune diseases can be alleviated with the help of celery juice.

B vitamins are necessary for energy metabolism. Vitamin A strengthens the eyes, which is previously converted from beta-carotene by the body. Not to mention all the other numerous minerals.

Celery juice – low in calories, nutrient-rich and detoxifying

To ensure that the nutrients already mentioned can be taken in sufficiently concentrated form, it is recommended that celery be consumed in the form of juice. Fresh and cold-pressed it tastes best. Even a 300 ml jar filled with celery juice contains a complete bunch of ten stalks. Even real celery lovers would not manage to eat that much celery every day – in the form of juice this is more possible.

Due to its 90% water content, celery is one of the vegetables with the lowest calorie content of all. Especially because of the high water content, raw celery juice is also highly recommended for detoxification or to reduce disturbing water retention. Celery juice should not be missing from juice cures.

How is celery juice made? Instructions, recipe

There are two ways to make celery juice. Either you use a slow juicer or a centrifugal juicer.

The easiest way to make celery juice is to use a slow juicer. In principle, slow juicers are juicers that apply a lot of force, but can still squeeze the vegetables or fruits with gentle revolutions that are rich in nutrients. Spinach, wheatgrass, root vegetables and celery pose no problem for the slow juicer. Cold pressing prevents too many enzymes or vitamins from being lost due to heat. In addition, you are guaranteed to get the greatest juice yield and the best taste.

First, the celery should be chopped up a bit before it is put into the feed chute. The rest is taken care of by the device. First, the vegetable is chopped into small pieces and then pressed against a sieve with small twists. The result is 100% celery juice without any fibers, as these are retained in a special collection container. It can be noted that approximately one celery yields between 350 and 500 ml of juice, depending on the slow juicer model.

But with the help of a centrifugal juicer is also possible to produce celery. However, this is not quite as gentle on nutrients as production with the slow juicer. A centrifugal juicer juices with very high rotary movements. A full 15,000 revolutions per minute are possible. Due to this strong rotation, an enormous amount of oxygen can get into the celery juice. Oxidation can occur.

In addition, the strong rotary motion can also generate heat, which can damage the sensitive vitamins and enzymes. When celery juice is made with a centrifugal juicer, the celery not only loses valuable nutrients, but also loses in flavor. If the celery juice is oxidized, this can also be recognized by its slightly yellowish-brown color. To produce the same amount of celery juice as with a slow juicer, one third more celery is needed.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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