What does Lazy Girl Jobs mean? Explanation, Meaning, Definition

A „lazy girl job“ is a new trending term on social media that is used for jobs that tend to be very monotonous, boring, and undemanding. Often, these are both physically and mentally undemanding jobs. The term is currently going viral on the social media platform TikTok – at times there are already over 3 million short videos on the subject. Often, the short videos are made by young women who address their everyday working life in this.

In a way, the „Lazy Girl Job“ trend glorifies this type of job and calls on its followers to be content with it and focus on other aspects of life instead. This could be leisure time, friends or family, for example. In this way, „Lazy Girl Jobs“ represents an opposing trend to the general hysteria about careers and further education, calling for serenity and laziness.

However, not everyone knows what to do with a „lazy girl job“. The term is to be explained in detail in the following article. For this a definition of the term is to be accomplished, the origin to be clarified as well as characteristics and examples of, and/or for „Lazy Girl Jobs“ to be called.

Definition of Lazy Girl Jobs

The term „Lazy Girl Job“ is composed of the adjective „lazy“ and the nouns „girl“ and „job“. Combined, „lazy girl job“ can therefore be roughly translated as „job for lazy girls“.

This refers to jobs that often require little effort, or only a small amount of work. Monotonous office jobs or civil servant positions, for example, come into question here. Instead of being annoyed by the fact of a „lazy job“ and its monotony – as would tend to be the case with men – the new „lazy girl jobs“ trend calls on people to enjoy this circumstance and use it to their own advantage.

In doing so, followers of the trend do not use their working hours to better themselves or to get as much work done as possible, but rather to pursue their own projects, or simply to relax. „Lazy girl jobs“ can now be found in other areas of the economy and are a phenomenon of a society that is increasingly geared towards the service sector.

Origin and origin of the word „Lazy Girl Jobs“

The expression „Lazy Girl Jobs“ originated in 2022 on the social media platform TikTok, where it was thematized by several TikTokers at the same time. Originally, this expression was only used for the TikToker women’s own seemingly boring jobs. Gradually, however, they realized that they were not alone with this view or with this problem.

The term „lazy girl job“ was quickly established for boring jobs. As a result, „Lazy Girl Jobs“ went viral – many TikTokers recorded videos of their jobs or their lives talking about this issue. At the same time, tips and tricks on how to perfect „Lazy Girl Jobs“ status, along with funny captions and hashtags, were incorporated into the videos.

Features of „Lazy Girl Jobs“

„Lazy Girl Jobs“ usually have the following characteristics:

  • They are monotonous, boring and unexciting
  • They require little know-how and commitment
  • They involve little effort
  • The required workload can be completed quickly (and often consists of only a few emails per day)
  • Physically and mentally undemanding
  • Mostly office and service jobs
  • Excellent work-life balance
  • Little supervision (leaving plenty of time and opportunity for shooting „lazy girl jobs“ videos)
  • Still well paid and lucrative

Examples of „Lazy Girl Jobs“

Good examples of „Lazy Girl Jobs“ can be found in all areas of business today. Often these are office jobs or civil servant positions. But typical service jobs also come into question. In the following subsections, typical „lazy girl jobs“ and their work content will be presented.

Office jobs

Office jobs tend to be the most „lazy girl jobs“. Jobs such as office clerk, marketing clerk, manager or controller or jobs in the HR area can be mentioned here. The aforementioned jobs are often accompanied by desk jobs, such as composing emails, filling out spreadsheets, or doing other paperwork.

Civil servant

Jobs for female civil servants also often have the typical pattern of a „lazy girl job.“ These are administrative jobs in offices, public agencies, or city governments. The work content of these jobs is also filled with routine desk work, such as composing and sending emails or by updating spreadsheets.

Receptionist or receptionist

Just as boring, however, can be the job of a receptionist or receptionist. When there is little activity, these professions are relegated to waiting on customers. During this time, there is little additional work to be done, so time here is often spent waiting.

Social classification of lazy girl jobs

Lazy Girl Jobs“ are particularly popular among members of Generation „Z“. Primarily, these are girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 30. They are often in training or are already firmly established in professional life. At the same time, the main target group of „Lazy Girl Jobs“ are enthusiastic users of the social media platforms TikTok or Instagram. Older people are generally unaware of this trend and tend to perceive lazy girl jobs as a burden.

Criticisms of „Lazy Girl Jobs“

„Lazy Girl Jobs“ are criticized by many people who see them as a call to laziness and self-sacrifice. With this attitude, one would primarily harm oneself and not develop personally.

Conclusion on the subject of „Lazy Girl Jobs“

In summary, it can be said that a „Lazy Girl Job“ is a non-demanding and physically and mentally undemanding job. Specifically, it refers to typical office or administrative jobs held by women, who celebrate them for their monotony and for the low level of effort required in them.

Related to the term „lazy girl jobs,“ for example, are the terms „hustle culture“ and „deep work.“ Both terms are to be considered absolutely antithetical to „Lazy Girl Jobs.“ While „Hustle Culture“ is a concept where as much as possible has to be done in as little time as possible, „Deep Work“ means an extreme concentration on a specific job or thing.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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