What does „Hala Madrid“ mean in English? Translation and meaning explained

„Hala Madrid“ is the anthem of the Real Madrid soccer club. „Hala Madrid“ means in english: Forward Madrid or Go Madrid.

Fans shout the battle cry Hala Madrid to cheer on their club. Together with the players of the club, who are called Madridistas, they also sing the anthem together. In addition, „Hala Madrid“ is the name of the soccer club’s magazine, which is published every three months.

In social media, fans of the club Real Madrid and interested people use the hashtag #HalaMadrid.

„Hala“ is a Spanish interjection that means „oh my goodness“ in addition to „go“ or „forward“. The term „Hala“ is said to have Arabic roots, which date back to the time when the Islamic Moors ruled Spain. „Hala“ is a greeting in the Arab world, comparable to „hey“.

By the way: „Real“ means „Royal“, so „Real Madrid“ means: royal soccer club Madrid.

What does „Hala Madrid y nada más“ mean in English? Translation

Not only the saying „Hala Madrid“ is common, but also „Hala Madrid y nada más“. It means in English „Forward Madrid and nothing else!“.

Other common sayings are:

  • „Como no te voy a querer“ – in English: „How can I not love you“.
  • „si eres campeón de Europa por décima vez“ – in English: „Since you are now champions for the tenth time“.

History of „Hala Madrid“ – Who wrote the song?

The hyme „Hala Madrid“ was written in 1952 by José de Aguilar. During a train ride to Aranjuez-Madrid, José de Aguilar thought of the first lines to Hala Madrid. In the restaurant „La Rana Verde“ (English: The Green Frog) he wrote more lines of text on napkins, made notes and wrote down thoughts about the song. Later, the song was sung along by the famous tenor Plácido Domingo, among others.

When Real Madrid turned 100 in 2002, a new version of Hala Madrid was recorded. Together with Plácido Domingo, the Real Madrid players recorded a new version in 2014, called „Hala Madrid Y Nada Mas“. However, it was not released until 2016.

More about Hala Madrid

„Hala Madrid“ is a Facebook page with over 50,000 fans, run by Real Madrid fans.

„Hala Madrid“ is a song by Juri. Among other things, he raps in the song, „Legend Zizou, yes, hala Madrid“ („Zizou“ refers to French soccer player Zinédine Zidane).

„Hala Madrid“ is a series about the Spanish soccer club Real Madrid.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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