Why do Italians drink cappuccino only in the morning? Explanation, reasons

Italy is considered in Europe and the world as a country with a particularly rich coffee culture. Between the Alps and Sicily, more coffee is drunk than anywhere else in the world. The „cappuccino“ is considered one of the most popular coffee drinks in Bella Italia. However, there are many myths and traditions surrounding this delicious coffee drink. For example, the cappuccino is said to be drunk exclusively in the morning – at least in Italy. While in all other parts of the world, the cappuccino is enjoyed almost all day long.

This typically Italian tradition does not come about by chance. Since it is almost unknown in this country and only tourists hear about the tradition of drinking cappuccino only in the morning, it will be explained in detail in the following article. Among other things, historical backgrounds and influences as well as the effects of globalization on the consumption of cappuccino will be discussed.

Definition and preparation of „Cappuccino“

The word „cappuccino“ comes from the Italian language and means something like „little hood“. What is meant by this is the appearance of a cappuccino, which is visually very much based on the Capuchin monks of the time and their brown robes. A „cappuccino“ essentially consists of coffee and milk, which is poured into the freshly brewed coffee. Afterwards, the drink is topped with a cap of milk foam, so that the „Cappuccino“ differs from the regular milk coffee.

Cappuccino“ is usually prepared using high-quality coffee beans, which are processed into coffee by a coffee machine together with still or tap water. For the milk, high-fat whole milk is used, which is first brewed and then whipped into foam. The still-hot milk is then added to the coffee – the high-fat milk foam serves as a topping.

A „cappuccino“ is usually served in transparent glasses with or without a handle. In this way, the consumer can see the typical coffee-brown color and the milk-white cap of the drink.

Historical and cultural background

Italian coffee culture has a unique tradition that developed over the past centuries. Traditionally, breakfast in Italy is considered a small meal, often consisting of only a small snack or drink. Since social life in Italy usually starts late, there is not much time in the morning to prepare, or enjoy, a full meal. On the contrary, Italians attach great importance to a sumptuous midday and evening meal. For this reason, over the centuries Italians have developed an energy-rich and invigorating beverage (for example, coffee), which is both a breakfast and a drink in one. In addition, the cappuccino itself is inexpensive and uncomplicated to prepare.

Taste, health and tradition

In Italy, the tradition that cappuccino is drunk only in the morning or at most in the forenoon has persisted. For Italians, there are a number of reasons for this:

  • Cappuccinos are considered a breakfast drink in Italy
  • Cappuccinos are high in fat and calories
  • Influences of the Italian climate

In the following subsections, the reasons just mentioned will be presented in more detail.

Cappuccinos are considered a breakfast drink in Italy

Energetic, invigorating and delicious – that’s how the cappuccino is perceived in Italy. That’s why it’s perfect as a small, but nutritious, first meal of the day. In contrast to conventional coffee, the cappuccino is somewhat more filling and easier to digest, and is therefore very popular in Italy, especially in the morning. Sometimes this is supplemented with some pastries or ciabatta bread and the typical Italian breakfast meal is ready.

Cappuccinos are high in fat and calories

Due to their very high whole milk content, cappuccinos are considered high in fat and calories. A small cup of cappuccino (200 milliliters) provides an average of about 90 calories, significantly more than a traditional black coffee, with 4 calories to the same amount. But then, the creamy texture and rich flavor ensure that cappuccino is so popular in Italy in the mornings and mornings.

Influences of the Italian climate

The hot, Mediterranean climate in much of Italy is another reason why cappuccino is so popular in the mornings and mornings. Especially in the hot summer months, Italians forgo a lavish breakfast in favor of a lightly digested cappuccino. This can also be drunk cold. In combination with the warm climate, people generally eat less during the day than, for example, in the cooler evening hours. Here, the cappuccino is suitable as a light and invigorating snack in between meals.

What impact does globalization have on Italians‘ cappuccino consumption?

Increasing globalization has, of course, also had an impact on Italians‘ coffee consumption. For example, some of the preferences regarding coffee consumption among Italians have changed significantly in recent years. For example, cappuccino is no longer drunk exclusively in the morning, but occasionally in the afternoon as well. However, the cappuccino itself is increasingly being replaced by alternative types of coffee. The emergence of international coffee chains, such as Starbucks, has had a major impact on Italian coffee culture in recent years. The trend in Italy in the morning is increasingly toward frappé or iced coffee, and thus away from the classic cappuccino.

Critical view on drinking cappuccino exclusively in the morning

Critics find fault with the long-held tradition of drinking cappuccino in Italy only in the morning, primarily that this is ultimately a matter of individual preference. Especially since there is no scientific basis recommending the consumption of cappuccino exclusively in the morning. Many also see the tradition as a relic of the past, since Italian coffee culture is in a state of flux anyway due to the emergence of international coffee chains. Thus, critics fault advocates of this tradition for not being open enough to practices and traditions from outside Italy when it comes to coffee enjoyment.

Conclusion on drinking cappuccino in the morning

So, in conclusion, the exclusive consumption of cappuccino in the morning or in the morning is a typical Italian tradition. However, this is increasingly being diluted by international influences. The original idea behind it is that the cappuccino can be a light yet delicious and invigorating breakfast meal.

With the tradition around the cappuccino, the British „Teatime“ or the Swedish „Fika“ are known in the international comparison, for example, which are typical side meals of the respective country. In Germany, the „Vesper“ could serve as a counterpart for this, which is typically taken between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the state of Saxony, for example.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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