Who is Maliketh (Elden Ring)? Boss, History, Fighting style, Strategy, Lore

Malekith, the Black Blade, is an Elden Ring boss. Malekith can be discovered in Crumbling Farum Azula. This is not an optional boss; players must fight him to get to Lyndell, the Cinder Capital.

At this stage, Malekith is even faster and can leap through the arena at lightning speed. Many of his attacks also hurl red-black projectiles or unleash beams of deadly energy that surround him.

Each hit from this fallen magic reduces your maximum health and deals damage for a few seconds. There are different methods to deal with this mechanism, so read on for our best strategies to fight Malekith.

What does Malekith look like?

He appears to be a mangled mass of burnt flesh and molten metal (after all, he went into the flames wearing armor). He has suffered severe burns.

Malekith’s power and strength: Elden Ring Boss

Malekith is stronger, more enduring, faster, more agile and more resistant to injury than a normal human, and has a significantly longer lifespan. Malekith also has several unique powers that set him apart and make life difficult for opponents.

The following are his strengths:

  • Vulnerability to iron
  • Manipulate the forces of magic for a variety of effects
  • Energy projection
  • Physical malleability
  • Flight (by turning into mist)
  • Illusion spell
  • Ability to change shapeSusceptibility to iron

Malekith, like other dark elves, is susceptible to iron, which interrupts or nullifies his magical powers.

Manipulate the forces of magic for a variety of effects

Malekith has the ability or has some powers that can manipulate the forces of magic for a variety of effects

Energy Projection:

Malekith has the ability to create very powerful forms of energy, focus them, and use them for specific functions, usually offensive in nature.

Illusion Spells:

Malekith has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate illusions so that the target sees, hears, touches, smells, and/or tastes things that do not exist in reality, or perceives things differently than they really are.

Tips for the Malekith boss fight in Elden Ring

1. stay behind the beast cleric.
2. watch out for ground effects in the cleric phase.
3. roll through attacks, not away from them.
4. use the Crimson Burst Crystal Tear to counter damage over time.
5. parry Malekith with the Blasphemous Claw.

Stay behind the Beast Cleric

With fast missiles and diving melee attacks, the Beast Cleric fights quickly and aggressively. He attacks you faster than most bosses, making it difficult to clear the ghost ash.

Many of the Beast Cleric’s attacks have long animations that make him swing in a single direction. You can do a lot of damage to him if you can roll past the first swing and get behind him. Any spirits summoned by Ash that can attract his attention will be a great help.

Watch out for ground effects in the Cleric phase

When the beast Cleric rears up into a huge updraft, you’ll have to flee. He will go down shortly after, destroying the ground around him in the manner of Godrick’s „Kneel“. The broken ground will spiral around him, but the attack isn’t over yet.

A split second later, the ground will break and hurl rocks into the air, causing even more damage. These rocks float for a short time before crashing down on him, dealing damage again. You can avoid massive damage by paying attention to where the ground is broken.

Roll through the attacks, not away from them

In both phases of this fight, it’s usually best to roll through the attacks instead of dodging them. We’ve already talked about the advantages of siding with the Beast Cleric, but Maliketh’s attacks make it much more attractive. If you’re not moving through the attack to slip behind him, he has several quick combos that can easily catch you coming out of a roll.

Use the crystal tear „crimson blast“ to counter damage over time

Malekith will eventually attack you. If you’re not careful, the damage over time effect of the Black Blade will be your undoing. To mitigate the damage over time, we recommend combining the Crystal Tear of Crimson Burst with your Vial of Wondrous Healing. The healing can’t match the damage over time effect, but can be enough to save your life.

Parry Malekith with the Blasphemous Claw

You will have the Blasphemous Claw in your inventory after completing Knight Bernal’s quest line and fending off his attack in Crumbling Farum Azula. This unique artifact serves only one purpose: to ward off Malekith’s blows with the Black Glade. The Blasphemous Claw can be stored in your consumable bar or in your sack.

Malekith’s most dangerous attacks emit a golden glow around his sword when the claw is equipped. To ward off these attacks, you must use the Blasphemous Claw. Timing is crucial, but if you’ve practiced parrying against other enemies, you’ll soon get the hang of it. If you do, you can effectively trivialize the Malekith part of this fight.

Malekith possesses all the typical traits of a dark elf, even if his skills are more developed than average. He has superhuman intelligence, strength, speed, endurance, agility, and reflexes.

Conclusion: Malekith Elden Ring

Malekith, the black blade, is an Elden Ring boss. At this stage, he is even faster and can leap across the arena at lightning speed. He resembles both cool flesh and molten metal.

He has incredible endurance, strength, agility and resistance to injury. Malekith also has the ability to control magical powers and achieve a variety of results with them. He can also use more powerful forms of energy.

Stay behind the beast Clergyman, watch out for ground effects in the Clergyman phase, roll through the blows instead of dodging them, and use the crystal tear Crimson Strike to counter the damage over time – these are some ideas to defeat Maliketh’s boss fight.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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