Who is Liam Carpenter? life, Profile, Biography

Liam Carpenter is an English TikToker who lives in Germany and has become known for videos in which he addresses German idiosyncrasies and clichés in a humorous way.

Liam Carpenter: Life, biography, profile

Liam Carpenter was born on 7 February 1996. He is 27 years old, 1.87 m tall and his star sign is Aquarius.

Liam Carpenter is actually from the English county of Kent near London. He moved to Crailsheim at the age of 18. There he played for the HAKRO Merlins Crailsheim in the Basketball Bundesliga and for BG Hagen in the Regionalliga for a few years from 2015.

In August 2017, Liam Carpenter married his wife Valérie and since 2019 he is a German citizen.

Liam Carpenter: TikTok career

Liam Carpenter did not become known as a professional basketball player, but as a TikToker. In 2022, he started publishing short videos in the form of sketches there. The videos show Liam doing everyday activities like shopping and taking the train, and leisure activities like drinking beer. He plays a fictitious German who wears white socks and a breast pocket and parodies German customs, idiosyncrasies and clichés.

Particularly famous is the introductory phrase „In Germany we don’t say“, which he utters in many of his videos. The introduction usually leads to a statement about how something is communicated in Germany and in what way this differs from the way it is expressed in other countries.

The German idiosyncrasies presented are clearly marked as stereotypes in the videos in a humorous way. Therefore, Liam Carpenter is not perceived as someone who makes fun of Germany. Instead, he is now followed by a large fan base totalling 1.9 million TikTok users. On Instagram, Liam has 1.4 million followers and on YouTube, 744,000 subscribers.

Liam Carpenter: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter

TikTok: @liamcarps

Instagram: liamcarps1

YouTube: @liamcarps

Twitter: liamcarps

On TikTok, Liam Carpenter has over 1.9 million followers. On Instagram, he has over 1.4 million followers. On YouTube, Liam Carpenter has over 740,000 subscribers. (All as of August 2023)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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