Who is Joost Klein? life, Profile, Biography, TikTok

Joost Klein is a Dutch musician and YouTuber who became known in Germany for his participation in the song „Friesenjung“ by Berlin rapper Ski Aggu.

Joost Klein: life, biography, profile

Joost Klein was born on November 10, 1997 in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, the capital of the province of Friesland. Joost Klein is 25 years old and his zodiac sign is Scorpio.

Started as a YouTuber in 2008 at the age of 10, Joost Klein made a name for himself as a music talent from 2017, releasing his first music album titled „Albino: The Album“ in 2019 in collaboration with Dutch music producer Tantu Beats.

Joost released YouTube videos for the songs „Scandinavian Boy“ and „Albino“ from the album, which have received nearly five million views combined. By 2023, at least three more albums, „1983,“ „Fryslân“ and „Joost Klein 7,“ had been released on Amazon and Spotify.

Joost Klein: fame, collaboration with Ski Aggu and Otto Waalkes

In May 2023, Joost Klein caused a viral hit through his participation in the song „Friesenjung“, which was created in collaboration with rapper Ski Aggu and well-known comedian and entertainer Otto Waalkes.

The song consists of verses rapped by Ski Aggu, techno sounds backed by Joost Klein and chorus excerpts from the song „Friesenjung“ by Otto Waalkes.

Joost Klein: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok

YouTube: @joostklein1

Instagram: joostklein

TikTok: @joostklein

On TikTok, Joost Klein has over 270,000 followers. On Instagram, he has over 350,000 followers. On YouTube, he has over 220,000 followers. (All as of May 2023)

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