Who is Cherry Crush? Info, life, profile, biography

Cherry Crush is a US content creator, web video producer and adult film actress.

Cherry Crush: info, life, profile, biography

Cherry Crush was born on July 9, 1990 in Miami, Florida, United States.

Cherry Crush’s real and civil name is not known. Cherry Crush has English and US roots.

Mostly nothing is known about her personal life, parents, family, school and education.

Cherry Crush publishes ASMR videos, among other things. She has been on YouTube since 2012. The oldest viewable video on YouTube is from 2015, and her ASMR videos became very popular in the 2010s.

Besides, Cherry Crush also publishes adult videos and is also active on OF.

In 2023, she became more popular due to her performance of NPC Steams. In this streams she played an NPC and responds to virtual gifts from her viewers.

Cherry Crush: Instagram, TikTok

Instagram: mycherrycrushx

Twitter: cherrycrushtv

TikTok: @cherrycrush_tv

TikTok: @mycherrytok

YouTube: ASMR Cherry Crush

On Instagram, Cherry Crush has over 760,000 followers. On Twitter, she has over 520,000 followers. On TikTok, she has over 300,000 and 80,000 followers. On YouTube, she has over 1 million subscribers.

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