Who is Amaury Guichon? Life, profile, biography

Amaury Guichon is a French pastry chef and chocolatier who has become world famous for his participation in reality shows and his social media presence.

Amaury Guichon: Life, Biography, Profile

Amaury Guichon was born on March 15, 1991, he is 32 years old and his zodiac sign is Pisces. His mother is Swiss and his father is French. Amaury grew up on the Swiss-French border near Geneva.

In 2005, at the age of just 14, he began training as a pastry chef, which consisted of several consecutive two-year courses. He studied at the prestigious Savoy International Hotel School in France, among other places.

He then learned the art of pastry making at the Wolfisberg Bakery in Geneva. He became known for his work at the pastry shop and chocolaterie Hugo & Victor in Paris, where he held a leading position until 2012.

In 2014, Amaury Guichon moved to Las Vegas to work for head pastry chef Jean-Philippe Maury. He operated as a consultant and taught master cooking classes not only in Las Vegas, but in more than 20 different cities from Paris to Chicago to Beijing.

In 2019, Amaury co-founded the Pastry Academy, his own pastry school, in Las Vegas with Belgian chef Michel Ernots. In addition to individual master classes, the school offers a ten-week intensive program that includes lessons on all pastry specialties. Amaury has been married to Canadian photographer Fiona Bergson since 2020.

Amaury Guichon: social media personality, book author, reality show host.

Amaury Guichon became popular through his presence on social media sites. On YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, he regularly posts his self-created baked goods, sweets, and desserts. Amaury has more than 11 million subscribers on YouTube, 22.5 million users follow him on TikTok, and his Instagram channel has 12.8 million followers.

In December 2018, Amaury published a dessert cookbook titled „The Art of Flavor.“

Amaury also appeared as host of the reality miniseries „School of Chocolate,“ produced and released by Netflix in 2021. In the series, aspiring pastry chefs compete in a competition in which they create chocolate sculptures that are then judged by Amaury Guichon.

In 2023, Amaury Guichon will be featured as a judge on the Australian reality series Dessert Masters.

Amaury Guichon: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram

YouTube: AmauryGuichonChef

TikTok: @amauryguichon

Instagram: amauryguichon

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