Who is Alex (Alexis) Mucci? Life, profile, biography

Alex Mucci is an Italian social media personality, singer, model and aerospace engineer.

Alex (Alexis) Mucci: life, biography, profile

Alex (Alexis) Mucci was born on January 17, 1988 in Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy. She is 35 years old and her zodiac sign is Capricorn. Alex is in a relationship with Italian YouTuber and producer Davide Marra aka Mr. Marra. The two have a daughter together named Asia Andrea, who was born in 2021. Alex Mucci has one sibling. However, apart from that, little is known about their family background.

Alex (Alexis) Mucci: Education, Social Media

Alex Mucci graduated from the Polytechnic University of Turin with a degree in aerospace engineering. Alex is 168 cm tall and weighs about 54 kg.

Alex Mucci was already modeling on the side during her studies. Meanwhile, she earns a steady income with her modeling career and works for several Italian brands and designers.

In addition, since 2017 she has been posting erotically-themed photos on Instagram, where she has 8.2 million followers. She reaches almost a million followers with short videos on TikTok. In addition, Alex Mucci is registered with a profile as an erotic model on the adult web platform OnlyFans.

Alex (Alexis) Mucci: looks, tattoos, singer

With her light blue eyes, black hair, a large bust with a slim figure, sprayed lips and numerous tattoos on her arms, shoulders and abdomen, Alex Mucci can score with an unusual appearance. Because of this, she often refers to herself as a real-life „anime character“. This is a reference to the fact that she has many external features that are similar to female characters from Japanese animated movies.

As a singer, Alex Mucci has come to prominence with the self-released songs „Foto Nuda,“ „Blue Valentine,“ and „F.P.F“ on Spotify, which were produced by her friend Mr. Marra.

Alex (Alexis) Mucci: TikTok, Instagram, X (Twitter)

TikTok: @alexismucci

Instagram: alex_mucci

X (Twitter): IamAlexisMucci

On TikTok, Alex Mucci has around 1 million followers. On Instagram, she has over 8 million followers. On Twitter, she has over 50,000 followers. (All as of October 2023)

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