Who are „Nicki i Loczek“ (loczniki)? Life, profile, biography

„Nicki i Loczek“ (loczniki) are a Polish dance duo and TikToker who have become known for videos in which they mimic the behavior of non-player characters (NPC) from video games.

„Nicki i Loczek“: life, biography, profile

Nicki’s real name is Nicole Szymkowski and Loczek’s real name is Oskar Szymkowski. They are a married couple and were both born in Poland. They both have older brothers.

The dance beginnings of „Nicki i Loczek“ are in breakdancing. They specialize in the breakdance form popping. Popping focuses on mechanical dance movements that resemble the movement behavior of robots from movies and television series.

„Nicki i Loczek“: NPC, TikTok videos, success

In most of the videos, Nicki is filmed by Loczek. Nicki’s movements are modeled after those of NPCs. NPCs are characters in video games that cannot be controlled by players. They often appear as supporting and background characters.

Nicki’s imitation of NPC behavior is so convincing that many viewers have already mistaken her for a mechanical android. Some also thought it possible that she is actually a non-human character developed with computer programs.

„Nicki i Loczek“ use their favorite video games Grand Theft Auto and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as frequent inspiration for their videos. They use their experience as breakdancers to memorize the movements of NPCs and reproduce them in a deceptively mechanical manner. Their videos can therefore be seen as a form of performance art.

With this performance art, „Nicki i Loczek“ reach a large audience on social media sites such as TikTok and YouTube. Their TikTok profile has 2.9 million followers and their YouTube account has 1.37 million subscribers.

„Nicki i Loczek“: anime, dance tutorials

„Nicki i Loczek“ are anime fans. They are also known for their videos in which they humorously act out the intros to anime series and anime movies.

„Nicki i Loczek“ derive part of their income from selling online tutorials that teach body control and movement steps. This includes an online tutorial in which they show how others can imitate their NPC moves.

„Nicki i Loczek“ (loczniki): TikTok, YouTube, Instagram

TikTok: @loczniki

YouTube: @loczniki

Instagram: loczniki_official

On TikTok, „Nicki i Loczek“ (loczniki) have over 2.9 million followers.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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