What is Cozy Cardio? Meaning, explanation, definition

Cozy Cardio is basically the opposite of a real endurance workout. It’s not about breaking any records or pushing yourself to your limits. It’s more about the feel-good ritual and the vibe. At least, that’s how TikToker Hope, who started the TikTok trend, describes it. Namely, she starts her day on her walking pad in either her pajamas or her cozy slippers. Here, she first selects a calm speed on the walking pad and later varies with the intensity. In this way, she can enjoy her Cozy Cardio without feeling exhausted. Because that’s exactly how Cozy Cardio is supposed to be. It’s supposed to make you feel good about exercising without getting you out of breath. Cozy Cardio is therefore a relaxed endurance workout that feels comfortable at your own discretion.

What is Cozy Cardio? Meaning, explanation, definition

For some sports scientists, it is no surprise that the trend of Cozy Cardio has been on the social networks for some time. Cozy cardio is exactly the opposite of what has been trendy in recent years. In particular, it’s all about the keyword „high intensity.“ The sweat-inducing HIIT workouts are all about going all out with an exercise for 45 seconds, for example, and then taking a 15-second break. This interval then always takes place in alternation. Because of the high intensity, this is not so easy to do for everyone. Cozy Cardio, on the other hand, is different.

Is Cozy Cardio sufficient as the only sporting activity in the week?

Many are now wondering if Cozy Cardio is enough to get fitter during the week. Unfortunately, the answer to this is „no“. Cozy Cardio cannot help you lose weight or build muscle. In order for one to achieve more endurance, strength and athleticism, much more effort must be put in. Therefore, an effective workout must move and load the muscles. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to feel „uncomfortable“ during the workout.

Therefore, in addition to Cozy Cardio, which is a leisurely endurance workout, more intense workouts should be done two or three times a week. This way, you get a balanced training plan that improves fitness and health in the long term. However, Cozy Cardio can be a good start to get more active in everyday life and to make friends with sports.

It’s easy to get motivated for Cozy Cardio

The question remains whether Cozy Cardio is beneficial for general fitness at all. Sports trainers answer in the affirmative. This is because Cozy Cardio can facilitate a gentle introduction to integrating more exercise into everyday life.

What’s more, low-intensity physical activity really „lubricates“ the joints, which also gives the cardiovascular system a bit of a boost. Consequently, the musculature is also activated in a gentle way. Those who take the time to do Cozy Cardio can prevent stress and associated illnesses.

However, if someone still wants to improve their endurance training, Cozy Cardio alone is not the solution. At least, that’s how some fitness experts assess it. That’s why Cozy Cardio sessions should be combined with more intense workouts.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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