What is Brain Tapping? Explanation, meaning, definition

„Brain Tapping“ is a new method that is supposed to improve the cognitive performance of the brain and at the same time lead to more mental health. Brain tapping“ is therefore becoming increasingly important, especially in a time of high demands on one’s own performance. Specifically, this method uses special audio signals paired with visual stimulation. In this way, the brain is supposed to be relaxed or put into an extremely focused state. This is made possible by activating certain brainwave patterns.

„Brain Tapping“ is suspected to significantly improve one’s thinking performance, night sleep and individual stress perception. It is therefore a so-called „biohacking trend“ aimed at optimizing one’s own performance and quality of life.

However, not everyone fully understands the concept behind it. The new method called „Brain Tapping“ will therefore be explained in detail in the following article. In addition to a comprehensive definition of the term, the characteristics and areas of application of „Brain Tapping“ will also be mentioned.

Definition of the term „Brain Tapping“

The term „Brain Tapping“ refers to special brain wave patterns, such as alpha, beta and theta waves, which are activated by „Brain Tapping“. For the user of „Brain Tapping“ this feels like a light knock on the head, which results in the name. It is important to note, however, that this method does not directly work the brain; rather, the stimuli (whether audio or visual) first hit the head and are then transmitted to the brain via resonance. Basically, the term „Brain Tapping“ sounds rather mysterious at first and makes curious not least because of that.

Origin and meaning of „Brain Tapping“

„Brain Tapping“ is not an invention of any particular person. Nor can this method be traced back to an exact year. However, various practices and techniques similar to „Brain Tapping“ have been used for many years. In this regard, science has been studying mental stimulation and relaxation for a long time. Significant inspiration for the development of Brain Tapping came from the field of brainwave research. It was discovered that the human brain reacts very differently to different frequencies. A little later followed the inclusion of biofeedback, neurofeedback and binaural beets, which are considered the forerunners of today’s „Brain Tapping“. Since this method is still a comparatively young concept, it offers interesting possibilities for expansion and ultimately abundant mental potential.

Characteristics and Functioning of „Brain Tapping“

Brain Tapping“ uses special equipment to generate audio signals as well as visual stimulation – this can be done, for example, through VR glasses or via headphones and TV. However, the use of mobile apps is also conceivable. By playing certain audio files with selected patterns of audio waves, the brain is consciously stimulated. These can be, for example, sounds of nature or isochronous tones. The resulting vibration in the head puts the brain in a state of relaxation, focus and creativity. „Brain Tapping“ also has the following characteristics:

  • Has an extremely relaxing effect
  • Transports body and mind into another world
  • Appeals to a wide variety of sensory stimuli
  • Can cause a trance-like state
  • Is relatively uncomplicated to implement
  • Can be repeated as often as desired
  • Already 15 to 20 minutes at a time are sufficient for the typical effect

Fields of application for „Brain Tapping“

The currently trendy method of „Brain Tapping“ offers a variety of application areas. Among them the following areas:

  • „Brain Tapping“ improves cognitive performance
  • „Brain Tapping“ reduces stress and has a relaxing effect
  • „Brain Tapping“ can help in the rehabilitation process

The above-mentioned areas of application will be explained a bit more comprehensively in the subsections that follow now.

Improvement of the cognitive performance

Through the different types of waves and the stimulation of large areas of the brain, it is put into a trance-like state. In this, focus and creativity dominate, which not only enables new experiences of consciousness, but also enhances cognitive performance. If this is repeated regularly, „brain tapping“ can sustainably increase mental capacities.

Stress reduction and relaxation

By causing the areas of the brain responsible for processing emotions and stress to vibrate, „Brain Tapping“ has a relaxing and de-stressing effect at the same time. Thus, this method is also ideally suited for individual stress reduction and the promotion of resilience.

Rehabilitation after illness or injury

The vibrations caused by alpha, beta or theta waves in the brain also have a healing and metabolism-promoting effect. In this way – for example due to an accident – damaged areas of the brain can be better supplied with blood or regenerated. „Brain Tapping“ therefore finds more and more attention also in the rehabilitation of brain injuries or brain diseases.

Criticisms of „Brain Tapping“

Despite the great popularity that „Brain Tapping“ currently enjoys, there are also some critics. The limited scientific evidence of this method is often criticized. At the same time, critics doubt the function and effectiveness of „brain tapping“. Although there are studies on the positive effects, these are often described as mere placebo effects. Furthermore, there is concern that improper or excessive use of „brain tapping“ could lead to undesirable side effects (which have potentially not yet been researched today). Last but not least, there is criticism that „brain tapping“ is also associated with a certain commercialization, which manifests itself in the sale of certain devices, certificates and serivce services.

Conclusion on the subject of „brain tapping“

So, to sum up, „Brain Tapping“ is a new method for increasing cognitive performance, reducing stress, and treating brain injuries and diseases. In this method, audio-visual stimuli are applied to the individual and cause certain waves to appear in the brain, which in turn have positive effects. Brain Tapping“ is considered to be not yet completely researched and therefore has numerous critics and skeptics.

For example, the terms „ASMR“ and „White Noise“ are related to the term „Brain Tapping“. ASMR“ (or: „Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response“) is a pleasant sensation, perceived as a gentle tingling, which is triggered by certain visual or auditory stimuli. White noise“, on the other hand, is a soft background noise that also has a calming effect.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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