What is a Flower Moon? Explanation, meaning, definition

The full moon in the month of May is also called the Flower Moon. Like any other full moon, the Flower Moon occurs when the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are aligned and the Sun completely illuminates the Moon as seen from Earth, without the Earth’s shadow obscuring any part of the Moon.

In a cultural, agricultural and ecological sense, the full moon in May – the flower moon – has a special significance. This is because it always occurs when many plants are in full bloom in the northern hemisphere. Thus the lunar cycle, of which the flower moon is a part, marks the transition from spring to summer time.

Why is the Flower Moon called that? Name, origin

The Moon of Flowers takes its name from the time when the North American natives, especially the Algonquin-speaking tribes, gave names to the phases of the moon in order to better understand the course of the seasons.

The moon and the phases of the moon have always played a central role in many cultures, including the indigenous peoples of North America, in determining time and in the planning and practice of activities related to agriculture, hunting and spiritual practices.

Since the Flower Moon occurs in May, and many flowers and plants in the northern hemisphere are in full bloom in May, it was given its characteristic name. The Flower Moon is therefore something of a cultural heritage of these indigenous peoples and their observation and interpretation of nature.

Are there alternative names for the Flower Moon?

Yes, different cultures and regions have different names for the Flower Moon. These differences are based on geographical factors as well as cultural differences.

Alternative names for the Flower Moon include, for example, Milk Moon or Frog Moon. The Milk Moon got its name because dairy cows usually produced more milk during this time of year due to the better supply of food from fresh grass and herbs in spring.

The name frog moon also comes from the linguistic usage of the indigenous peoples of North America: because in spring, especially in May, the frogs begin to spawn and their activity, which cannot be ignored due to the loud croaking, increases.

Are there any special events or customs associated with the Flower Moon?

In many cultures, special events and customs are associated with the Flower Moon. These include fertility rituals and nature festivals, for example, but also more mundane events such as the start of gardening or the ideal time to plant many plants.
The fertility rituals that are held in some cultures during the blood moon are primarily intended to promote a rich harvest and good growth of animals and plants. Depending on the culture, the rituals are celebrated with dances, singing, communal meals or even offerings to nature or spiritual beings.

In other cultures, festivals and celebrations are held in conjunction with the Flower Moon, valuing and celebrating the beauty of nature and the bounty of spring. These events may include picnics, parades, music and dancing.

Less festive, but just as prevalent, are the commencement of gardening and planting with the appearance of the Blood Moon. Since the Flower Moon occurs at a time when many plants and flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere, many people use this time to till their gardens, sow seeds or transplant.

Does the blood moon play a role in astrology?

Yes, especially in astrology the flower moon has a special meaning. It is considered a powerful symbol for growth, renewal and transformation, which should be used and appreciated. The full moon in May occurs during the zodiac signs of Taurus or Scorpio, depending on the year and the exact position of the moon. Astrologers therefore often interpret the Flower Moon as a time well suited for reviewing personal goals, deepening one’s relationship with nature and others, and promoting spiritual growth or implementing or beginning personal change.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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