What does „Yandere“ mean? Meaning, explanation, definition

The origin of the term „Yandere“ is in Japan. There it appeared for the first time in an anime. An anime is used to describe a Japanese animated film. In printed form, they are called manga. The term „anime“ is derived from the English „animation“, which means „animated“. The characters in an anime can be recognized by their oversized eyes.

What does „Yandere“ mean? Meaning, explanation, definition

The portmanteau word yandere is made up of the words „yanderu“ and „dere“. If this were to be translated into German, it could be simplified as „being ill in love“. Usually only female persons are called yandere. If someone possesses this character, he is particularly loving and tender, but at the same time he can develop a dangerous obsession. This is then directed against the person with whom she is in love.

In many stories, the Yandere character shows up at the beginning as the ideal life partner. They appear with countless positive qualities that hardly anyone can resist. That is why, at first, it would be completely absurd for the Yandere character’s beloved not to reciprocate this person’s feelings. After all, he is so idolized and so highly placed that the lover cannot help but like the Yandere character. It is typical for love relationships to change and develop. If the couple or the relationship does not evolve, any rational person would realize that it is better to end the relationship. This realization, however, does not occur with Yandere characters. On the contrary: Yandere characters perceive this misdevelopment as an intervention from the outside. They blame other people for the fact that the relationship is not going as desired. They become formally aggressive.

Early on in 1985, the Yandere character could be found in anime. However, it didn’t really establish itself around the world until the age of the growing Internet in 2000. Thus, it managed to bring the concept to more people. There are even some well-known movies on the market that feature yandere characters. These include movies such as „Misery“ by Stephen King or „A Fatal Affair“.

Is Yandere dangerous?

As mentioned at the beginning, the term is composed of two words: „being sick“ and „being in love“. So, in short, this character would be described as an extremely loving person who would go over dead bodies for their partner. Often this character also develops as very violent during the course of a relationship. They are not able to deal with rejections. However, despite the fact that this term is not assigned to any gender, it is increasingly associated with females. By the way, the opposite of Yandere is Tsundere. A very peaceful character.

In Japan, the first Yandere character was Kotonoha Katsura. This one originates from an anime series. Likewise, since 2017, the term is also known in the gaming scene. The reason for this was the game „Yandere Simulator“. Yandere is now so widespread that it is impossible to imagine the Internet and meme culture without it.

Does Yandere also exist in real life?

There are some people who act similarly to a Yandere character. The reason for this can be unrequited love, for example. People who literally shower their great love with attention and gifts over and over again could be described as Yandere. Going even further, stalkers, for example, could be described as Yandere. They feel a strong affection towards a certain person and would like to permanently monitor that person. They would even become violent for that person. Also coming from real life are the character traits „possessive“ or „jealous“. Here, for example, the jealousy of one partner goes so far that the other is increasingly restricted in his freedoms. In other words, it becomes downright imprisoning. Accordingly, this phenomenon could be called yandere.

It should be noted, then, that there are two different forms of the Yandere character. One form feels so strongly for her crush that she would even act violently or even murder for it. The other form acts increasingly aggressively and would kill her beloved at last, because she cannot bear that her love is not reciprocated. Many of these characters of the second form even commit suicide afterwards, in order to at least be able to be with the beloved on another level.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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