The word „Ukrop“ has three meanings:
In Russia, the term „Ukrop“ or „Ukrops“ is a derogatory slang term for Ukrainians. But now some Ukrainians use the term „Ukrop“ as a self-designation. (The Russian word „Ukrop“ means „dill“ in English. Really).
„UKROP“ is the abbreviation for the Ukrainian political party „Ukrainian Union of Patriots.“
„Ukrop’s Food Group“ is a US company.
What does „Ukrops“ mean? Meaning, definition, explanation
Note: The exact and unambiguous usage of the term „Ukrops“ is unclear.
The word „Ukrop“ is written in Cyrillic as „Укроп“. „Ukrop“ or „Укроп“ mean „dill“ in English. (The plant „dill“)
Russians refer to Ukrainians as „Dill“ with derogatory intent, as the Cyrillic word for „dill“ and for „Ukrainian“ have syntactical similarities. The Cyrillic word for Ukrainians is „Украинцы.“ The Cyrillic word for dill is „Укроп“. The first three letters are the same.
The exact use of the term „Ukrop“ is unclear. It is unclear whether „Ukrop“ refers to all Ukrainians in general or whether only right-wing, nationalist and fascist Ukrainians are referred to as „Ukrop“ or whether only Ukrainians who are against Russia and Putin are referred to as „Ukrop“. Furthermore, there are sources that claim that Euromaidan supporters are referred to as „Ukrop.“ Ukrainians who are referred to as „Ukrop“ are said to be anti-Russia and anti-Putin, as well as having a pronounced Russophobia. Also, there are sources that state that Russians refer to all Ukrainians in the Donbas war (2014) who fought on the Ukrainian side (against Russia) as „Ukrop“.
The term „Ukrop“ for Ukrainians became more popular in 2014 when Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbas War (2014) used the term as a joking self-designation. Military emblems and patches with dill in the logo were even created and spread.
The same thing happened with the term „Yankee.“ „Yankee“ was originally a derisive term but became an identification term for Union troops during the course of the American Civil War. Another term of similar category is: Kartoffel („Potato“, as a designation for Germans).
About the Ukrainian Union of Patriots (UKROP)
„Ukrainian Union of Patriots“ were founded on June 15, 2015. In its logo there is a dill plant and the name of dill in Cyrillic „Укроп“.