What does the 🤙 Shaka / Call me emoji mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The emoji 🤙 is called shaka, phone hand or „call me“. It has different meanings.

What does the 🤙 Shaka / Call me emoji mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The 🤙 emoji is recognizable by the splayed thumb, closed fist and splayed pinky finger. Partly it is also imitated or made with a shaking motion.

The emoji 🤙 has the following meanings:

  • Call me. (or)
  • I’m chilling. All good.

In 2022, the emoji 🤙 became popular and heavily used to indicate that you are chilling. For this, the gesture was formed with the hand and shaking movements were made with the hand. The emoji became a meme. A TikTok trend in which the gesture 🤙 was used prominently was one of the reasons for its popularity in 2022.

On social media, the 🤙 emoji was used to indicate that a situation was relaxed or that a stream was being relaxed.

Those who are a bit older know the gesture as a symbolic phone handset. While smartphones are flat, phones führer were slightly curved so that the speaking cup was closer to the hand and the earpiece closer to the ear. In 🤙 (Shaka), the splayed thumb was the earpiece and the splayed pinky finger symbolized the mouthpiece. The gesture was also associated with a hand movement, as made when the earpiece was picked up. So if you wanted to gesture to someone that you were going to call them, you made the „call me“ emoji 🤙.

Distribution and history of 🤙 Shaka / Call me Emoji

Shaka 🤙 is a common hand signal among surfers and in Hawaii to communicate that all is well and you are relaxed. Surfers also understood the hand gesture as a symbolic hanging middle, which is stretched between splayed thumb and little finger.

For surfers, Shaka 🤙 had another meaning. With the gesture one wished a good wave and paid tribute if necessary.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama used the shaka gesture to greet congressmen from Hawaii.

Soccer player Ronaldinho also used the gesture as part of his goal celebration.

Since 2016, the call me emoji 🤙 is part of Unicode 9.0 and can be used accordingly.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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