What does Semaluhtounuyulohowwah mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

Under the expression „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ you can find some short video clips from the series „Family Guy“ and „South Park“ on the Internet. In the short clips, the expression is always the punch line.

What does Semaluhtounuyulohowwah mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

For the meme „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“, some low notes were taken from the instrumental beginning of the song „Soap“ by Melanie Martinez and the words „Send my love to your new lover“ were used from the Adele song. The words „Send my love to your new lover“ are played here alienated and slightly accelerated. „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ is therefore intended to be phonetically reminiscent of „Send my love to your new lover“.

The words „Send my love to your new lover“ are well recognizable in the expression „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“.

  • Send = Se
  • My = Ma
  • love = luh
  • to = tou
  • your = nuyu
  • lover = loh

Where the word „lover“ is drawn out at the end. The first part of the word „lover“ becomes „lohow“ and the second part becomes „wah“.

Origin of Semaluhtounuyulohowwah

The meme „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ probably originated on the YouTube channel „kanał nie moich widzów“ (translated: not my channel). A video titled „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ was published there on February 9, 2023. In the video, the Family Guy characters Lois and Stewie z are seen. Lois can be seen vomiting on Stewie. The video has received over 1.4 million views to date (June 2023).

Since April/May 2023, several videos titled „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ have been posted daily on social media.

„Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ first received an entry in the Urban Dictionary on May 15, 2023.

On TikTok, the hashtag #Semaluhtounuyulohowwah has been used over 15,000 times.

By the way, since the meme originated in Poland, there are a lot of searches in Polish.

Why is Semaluhtounuyulohowwah spreading?

Well „Semaluhtounuyulohowwah“ falls into the category of internet nonsense. Internet nonsense is fun and also has an ingroup-outgroup function. If you get the joke, you get it. Those who don’t get it, don’t get it. (iykyk) The likelihood that many will not understand the joke is very high, and thus the few who do understand the joke may (or may not) consider themselves elite.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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