What does „I choose violence“ mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

When someone chooses violence, it means that the person chooses to tell the truth and/or say something that could upset others and cause strong negative reactions.

What does „I choose violence“ mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The phrase „I choose violence“ has other connotations. In further connotations, „I choose violence“ means that someone is brutally honest or intentionally says or writes hurtful words.

„I choose violence“ can also be understood to mean that someone is looking for a fight, deliberately provoking or deliberately verbally messing with others. This can then lead to beef.

In the context of K-pop, „I choose violence“ means that a K-pop star behaves in a (sexually) provocative manner.

In yet another connotation, „I choose violence“ can be understood literally. Someone here really chooses violence as a way to solve problems or remove obstacles.

Origin / History of „I choose violence“

In the eighth episode of the sixth season Game of Thrones (released in 2016), Cercei Lannister is subpoenaed to the Sept by the sect „the Sparrows“. Cercei does not comply with this summons. So the sparrows come to her in the red keep. Here the sparrows emphasize that the summons was an order and Cercei’s guard should step aside so they can take her away. The sparrows threaten Cercei to comply or there will be violence. Cercei responds: I choose violence.

This scene from Game of Thrones led to the phrase „I choose violence“ becoming widespread.

In 2019, the phrase got another connotation.
Twitter user @mtheadnothought wrote about Azelia Banks that she wakes up every morning and chooses violence. He further wrote: tbh the dedication is outstanding.

In 2020, „wake up and choose violence“ became more popular on social media.

More meaning of „I choose violence“

„Today I Choose Violence“ is a song by Christin Nichols.

„I chose Violence“ is a song by Jake Hill. (It was released in 2021.)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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