„Hamdullah“ is Arabic and means in English, „Thanks be to God,“ „Praise be to God,“ or „Thanks be to Allah.“ Colloquially, it is used to say „Thank God“ or „I am well“.
„Hamdullah“ is the shortening of the Arabic „al-Hamdu li-Llah“.
It is composed of the word parts „hamd“ / „ḥamdu“, meaning „praise“ or „thanks“, and „alhamdulillah“, meaning „the praise is due to Allah“ or „the thanks is due to Allah“.
Alhamdulillah is composed of three parts:
- al- = is the article
- ḥamdu = is translated as thanks and praise
- li-llāh(i) = preposition and noun standing for Allāh. („Allāh“ means God.
The article in the word „Alhamdulillah“ ensures that „The God“ is said instead of „God“. This is in the sense of there being only one God.
The phrase is found in the first verse of the first surah of the Quran.
It is also said „Hamdala“, „Al hamdullillah“ (Arabic: حمدلة) or „ellhamdulliah“ and abbreviated as „hmd“.
The term is comparable to the word „Hallelujah“ known in Germany and the widespread exclamation „Gott sei dank!“
„I slipped earlier. My pants are broken, but I’m fine.“ – „Hamdullah“
When is „Hamdullah“ said?
„Hamdullah“ is usually said after a deed or action. This is to thank God for something after the fact.
For example, it happens that Muslims say „Hamdullah“ after a meal to thank God for the food. It can also be said after sneezing to wish someone good health. Then it is said as follows: Alhamdu lillahi. A new day can also be greeted with Hamdullah in the morning. Even the question „How are you?“ can be answered with „Hamdullah“. In this context, it means, „Thank God, I am well.“
The expression „al-Hamdu-li-‚llah“ is used by Muslims and Arabic-speaking Jews as well as Christians in everyday speech.
Other variants: hamdulillah, Alhamdullilah, Al-ḥamdu Llāh, al-Hamdu li-Llāh (Arabic: الحمد لله) , Hamdala (has come into everyday usage), Tahmid