What does Aywa mean in English? Translation and meaning explained

„Aywa“ is an Arabic expression and translates into English as yes.

„Aywa“ only means „Yes“ in the sense. Literally it means „yoa“, „ok“, „sure“ and „yeah“. It is used informally – that is, in colloquial language such as among friends. It is not used in letters or official documents.

The formal Arabic „Yes“ – as „Yes“ will be said in English – is: „Na’am“ or „Na’aam“. (Both words have the same meaning and are used to express agreement or confirmation – as is the function of the word „Ja“).

In Arabic, „Aywa“ is written as follows: ايوه.

„Aywa“ is the shortening of the Arabic „ay wa allah“. „ay“ means „yes.“ The „wa“ means „and.“ The term „allah“ refers to God.

„Aywa“ is strongly used in the Egyptian language.

Other meanings of Aywa

„Aywa“ is an old Germanic expression meaning „eternity“. The Swiss folk band „Aywa“ named itself after it.

„AYWA“ is the name of a music group from Montpellier, France. They call their music „New Maghreb Sound.“ They mix elements of raggae, rock and jazz in their music.

„AYWA“ is the abbreviation for „Armenian Young Womens Association“ – An association that aims to improve the situation of women in Armenia.

„Aywa International“ is a US aid organization active in Senegal. It provides contacts for the people of Senegal and helps in socio-economic development.

„Aywa“ is a video-on-demand provider.

„Aywa“ is a Brazilian consulting company.

„Aywa“ is the name of Maya Diab’s single.

„Aywa vom Haus Vax“ is a German shepherd dog.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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