What does crying horizontally mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

„Crying horizontally“ is – in the literal sense – a technique to avoid ruining makeup, foundation or cosmetics with one’s tears when crying.

„Crying horizontally,“ however, is used figuratively to mean that someone is superficial and vain.

What does „crying horizontally“ mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

„Crying horizontally“ means literally „horizontal crying“. „Crying horizontally“ means lying down, that is, going horizontal, so that the tears do not run down the face. When crying while lying down, the tears run down the eyes.

However, the expression „crying horizontally“ is also used in a negative connotation. If it is said about someone that the person lies down to cry so that she does not ruin her makeup, the person is said to be vain and superficial. This is because her perfect appearance is so important to her that she cannot even cry „normally.“

However, the expression „Crying horizontally“ can also be understood in a context of fear. It can be that a person is so afraid that others will see her with non-perfect makeup that she just tends to cry while lying down.

„crying horizontally“ by Elias.

„Crying horizontally“ is a song by Elias. Whether the artist Elias invented and coined the phrase „crying horizontally“ is unclear. He uses it at least in one song.

In this song „Crying horizontally“ he sings about a girl crying „horizontally“ because she doesn’t want to runin her makeup and because she is afraid. Further, the song is about hurt feelings, emotional wounds and unhealed injuries.

Other songs by Elias. are:

  • Hope we live
  • Square one
  • one step at a time
  • too tired to die
  • Hangman
  • Made Up Hell
  • Reach for the Stars
  • HML
  • when the sunsets in the east

„crying horizontally: TikTok

On TikTok „crying horizontally“ is already a topic. To the question „what does crying horizontally mean“ there are over 600,000 video responses so far. To the words „crying horizontally“ there are over 3.5 million video responses. (as of March 2023)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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