What does 5201314 mean? Meaning, explanation, definition

The number 5201314 is short for the phrase „I love you for a lifetime“.

What does 5201314 mean? Meaning, explanation, definition

When the number „520“ is pronounced in Chinese, it sounds similar to the Chinese phrase for I love you.

520 is: 五二零 – Wǔ èr Líng

I love you is: 我愛你 – Wǒ ài nǐ

There is some similarity between „Wǔ èr Líng“ and „Wǒ ài nǐ“.

Meaning of 1314:

When the number „1314“ is said in Chinese, it sounds similar to the Chinese language characters for „One Life, One World“. One life, one world means: for the rest of my life or forever.

1314 in Chinese is: 一生一世 (yī shēng yī shì).

This explains: 5201314:

520 = I love you

1314 = for the rest of my life

About 5201314

In Chinese culture, great importance is attached to such numbers, symbols and to numerology. This also happens in our culture. For example, 13 is the famous unlucky number.

The 5201314 is language efficient. You can sparingly say here in seven characters that you love someone very much and very much, instead of typing a long sentence with 15, 20 or more characters.

Furthermore, 5201314 is unique. Whoever receives this number usually knows what is meant and can react accordingly. This uniqueness ensures that the character is understood by many, which makes communication much easier.

Use of 5201314

In China, the 520 led to May 20 becoming another Valentine’s Day on social media. (The 5 is the month. So, May. The 20 is the day. So, May 20.)

May 20 is now called Chinese Internet Valentine’s Day. (This gives China three Valentine’s Days: February 14, Qixi Festival, and Internet Valentine’s Day).

In social media, text messages and chats, 5201314 is used to express friendly affection, love and appreciation. But 5201314 is also used to communicate romantic feelings.

Most notably, 5201314 is used by Chinese social media participants.

On TikTok, the hashtag #5201314 has been used over 10 million times. On Instagram, the hashtag has been used over 35,000 times.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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