Within the last few years, the term „Zillenials“ has become more and more widespread in social media as well as on TV and other channels. Basically, „Zillenials“ represent a generational concept that is considered a hybrid between Generation Y (or also: „Millenials“) and Generation Z. Accordingly, followers of the „Zillenials“ were born in the late 1990s or at the beginning of the 2000s. This period represents the transition between the analogue and the digital world. „Zillenials“ are therefore often referred to as the so-called „bridge generation“ that appreciates traditional values and gets along well with both generations (namely Generation Y and older generations and Generation Z).
Since the term „Zillenials“ is being used more and more frequently, the following article will explain it in more detail. The main focus will be on a definition of the word „Zillenials“ and the characteristics of Zillenials in everyday life, work and relationships. Zillenials will also be critically examined.
What are Zillenials? Explanation, meaning, definition
The term „Zillenials“ is a made-up word that is a mixture of the two words „Millenials“ and „Generation Z“. The word „Millenials“ refers to members of a generation born around the turn of the millennium (see the word „millennium“). Generation Z“, on the other hand, represents the next generation. Members of this generation were born between 2000 and 2010 and were eventually replaced by „Generation Alpha“. The word „Zillenials“ is therefore composed of the „Z“ in „Generation Z“ and „illenials“ from the word „Millenials“. Members of the „Zillenials“ were born between 1997 and 2004.
The term itself originated around the early 2010s in the USA and has since spread rapidly in social networks. The „Zillenials“ are thus considered a unique generation that was posthumously added between the „Millenials“ and the „Generation Y“, as their behavioural and thought patterns could not be assigned to one or the other generation.
Main characteristics of Zillenials
Zillenials are a unique generation that share many of the characteristics of both Millenials and Generation Z. The following are the main characteristics of Zillenials. The main characteristics of the „Zillenials“ are listed below:
- High affinity to technology and digitalisation
- But also still close to the analogue world
- High ability to multitask
- High degree of openness (to cultural diversity, justice and environmental issues)
- Ambitious and ambitious in their careers
- However, would like to have a work-life balance
Overall, then, „Zillenials“ are a mixed generation that bridges older and younger generations and will strongly influence the near future.
Work culture of Zillenials
The work culture of „Zillenials“ differs somewhat from that of the previous generations. And so „Zillenials“ place particular emphasis on flexibility, a good work-life balance and a pleasant working environment. „Zillenials“ also often prefer jobs in which they can do meaningful work and make the best use of their innate skills. In addition, they value teamwork and are well networked. They also prefer faster and more effective communication and flat hierarchies.
Due to their affinity for technology, „Zillenials“ often use technology and digitalisation methods to speed up existing work processes. „Zillenials also value a good relationship with their superiors and that their work is valued accordingly. The bottom line is that „Zillenials“ value openness, a strong value system, cooperation and effectiveness in combination with modern working conditions.
Relationships of Zillenials
As in the working environment, the relationships of „Zillenials“ are also characterised by openness, tolerance and a strong sense of community. Equal opportunities and social justice are other core aspects of zillenials‘ views. Thus, „Zillenials“ often strive for partnerships at eye level, in which both partners attach importance to common interests and hobbies. At the same time, long-term and deep relationships are valued.
To stay in touch with acquaintances, friends and relatives, „Zillenials“ often use social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or WhatsApp. Through these, „Zillenials“ also often inform themselves about various opinions, views and experiences of others. Overall, Zillenials have a modern, open and very tolerant view of the world in terms of relationships, which is based on strong community building.
Perspective of Zillenials
„Zillenials“ are a tech-savvy, ambitious and strongly humanistic generation that currently and also in perspective plays an important role in the digitalisation and automation of large parts of the world of life and work. In the future, „Zillenials“ will also have more influence on politics due to their comprehensive, political commitment. Their main goals are cooperation, justice, climate protection and social equality.
Accordingly, „Zillenials“ will establish numerous, innovative solutions in the near future and sustainably improve our way of life. Due to their ambition and enthusiasm, „Zillenials“ are also suspected of having a strong positive influence on the current „Generation Alpha“, whose parents the members of the „Zillenials“ largely represent.
Critical views of Zillenials
Like other generations, „Zillenials“ are often criticised. Often, „Zillenials“ are said to have a certain self-centredness and focus on their own career. Others see the „Zillenials“ as a spoiled generation that seeks attention and seems to have little interest in interpersonal relationships. Zillenials“ are also criticised for having little stamina and for giving up too quickly. However, these criticisms are in complete contrast to the actual world views of the „Zillenials“ – namely openness, community spirit and ambition.
Conclusion on the topic of „Zillenials“
In summary, the generation of „Zillenials“ is a kind of intermediate generation between the „Millenials“ (born between 1990 and 2000) and the „Generation Z“ (born between 2000 and 2010). The members of the „Zillenials“ were therefore born between 1997 and 2004. They grew up partly in an analogue, partly in a digital world and are characterised by a strong sense of justice, technical affinity as well as ambition and sustainability. The „Zillenials“ are predicted to have an overall positive influence on future generations, especially the „Generation Alpha“.
Among others, the terms „Gen Z+“ or „iGen“ are associated with the term „Zillenials“. While „Gen Z+“ represents the sub-generation born between 2005 and 2010, „iGen“ is a sub-generation born between 2010 and 2015. They thus (like the „Zillenials“) also represent intermediate generations.