How did Dora the Explorer die? Explanation, TikTok

Since the year 2022, the claim that „Dora the Explorer“ has died has been circulating on TikTok. Is there any truth in it?

The short answer: No! Dora the Explorer is alive, the series is just not produced anymore. Dora’s death is a fiction of fans.

How should Dora the Explorer have died? Explanation, TikTok

There are several theories about how the character Dora the Explorer should have died:

  • Dora was pushed into the river by Swiper the fox and drowned here. or
    Dora is said to have been struck by lightning.
  • Dora is said to have suffered from kidney disease and died from it.
  • Boots is said to have pushed Dora into quicksand and perished here.
  • Dora poisoned herself.
  • Dora suffocated to death.
  • Dora died of thirst.
  • Dora was bitten by a poisonous snake.

Some fans think that Dora the Explorer’s cause of death was not natural.

Why do these theories exist? The series „Dora“ is not produced. On August 9, 2019, the last episode was released. (By the way, the first episode was released on August 14, 2000).

Since the series „Dora“ has ended, some (adult) fans probably think that the character „Dora“ should also have met its end.

But in the series, Dora’s death is not addressed at all. The series simply ends with a living and vibrant Dora.

Editor’s comment: If you consider that the series „Dora“ is aimed at children between the ages of three and seven, a gruesome and brutal death is unthinkable. This would be very disturbing for children. Only (young) adults come up with such ideas and get a kick out of tricking others.

The origin of „how did Dora die?“ is said by fans to be in an unreleased episode of „Dora the Explorer“. This is supposed to be called „Dora No More“. But this episode is just a rumor and it does not exist.

„How did Dora die?“ as a TikTok challenge

On the app TikTok, there is even a challenge to film yourself googling „How did Dora die?“. This is done with the intention that the results will shock.

Here, by the way, it is noticeable that often different results are displayed. So not everyone gets the same cause of death explained.

Some of the Reaction videos contain fake reactions. These are spread to further fuel the rumor mill.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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