Who is Super Sus (Supersus)? Curriculum vitae, life, profile, biography

„Super Sus“ is a Ukrainian Urban Explorer, YouTuber and web video producer.

Super Sus (Supersus): Curriculum vitae, life, Profile, Biography

In Cyrillic letters „Super Sus“ is called: Супер Сус.

Super Sus also goes by the name „Susanin“ or „Vasya“.

Super Sus lives in Kiev, Ukraine.

Super Sus speaks Ukrainian and Russian.

Super Sus (Supersus): Urban Explorer

In his videos Super Sus explores the underworld and overworld of Kiev and Ukraine. He explores bunkers, subway tunnels and subway facilities like canals. But Super Sus also explores old towers, dilapidated buildings and abandoned factories. (In particular, he explores old abandoned Soviet plants and facilities).

Super Sus is not squeamish in a videos and is not afraid of dirt either. (See: Mysophobia) He shows himself in his videos with dirt and grime on his face and body, with dirty pants and dirty clothes. His charismatic nature and self-confidence ensure that he is a small internet sensation. Because he repeatedly and very self-confidently leaves his comfort zone. Here he sometimes risks his life, for example when he lies next to moving subway tracks).

Super Sus is accompanied by his cameraman Dima.

Super Sus has already explored the catacombs of Paris. In one video, Super Sus and his companions explored an old theater. Among other things, they climbed through ventilation shafts.

Super Sus (Supersus) in Pripyat / Chernobyl

In 2018, he published a video of his visit to Pripyat near Chernobyl.

Super Sus published a video about his project to explore the underground from the Chernobyl reactor. In the video you can see how Super Sus and his companions row in rubber boats through water accumulations near the reactor. Super Sus even falls into the (radioactive) water here. In later scenes, Super Sus can be seen moving through the (radioactive) water in a diving suit.

In a later video, Super Sus and his companions had themselves checked for radiation in a hospital.

Super Sus (Supersus): TikTok 2022 (Song)

On TikTok, videos of Super Sus went viral in September 2022. In these he can be seen in subway tunnels with black dirty face.

The song „Phonky Tribu“ by Funk Tribu is usually playing in the background of the videos.

Super Sus (Supersus): YouTube, Instagram

YouTube: Супер Сус

Instagram: sssuper_sus

On Instagram, Super Sus has over 199,000 followers. On YouTube, he has over 1.64 million subscribers. (Both as of September 2022)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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