Who is Ása Ástardóttir? Life, profile, biography

Ása Ástardóttir is an Icelandic-born, Cologne-based comedian, language teacher and reality TV personality. She is 48 years old.

In 2023, she can be seen as a contestant in the fifteenth season of the German reality television series „Leben leicht gemacht – The Biggest Loser“. In the show, 20 candidates try to lose weight over several weeks through fitness and dietary changes.

Ása Ástardóttir: Life, Biography, Profile

Ása Ástardóttir tried her hand at singing from 2011 to 2014. She took part in various preliminary rounds of the Eurovision Song Contest with different songs. In 2012 she submitted the Icelandic song „Saetir Kossar (Big Kisses)“ and in 2014 the English-language song „Don’t Stop The Madness“.

In 2015, she gained media attention in Germany through her participation in the twelfth season of the German spin-off of the reality show „Big Brother“. She was the first Icelander to take part in the German Big Brother format. She stood out because of her preference for the colour pink and her humorous personality.

She used these qualities after Big Brother to perform as a stand-up comedian in Cologne. Today, she still performs regularly in Cologne comedy clubs.

In addition to her entertainment career, Ása Ástardóttir works as a language teacher for Icelandic. Her courses also take place in Cologne.

Ása Ástardóttir on German television

  • 2015: Big Brother (contestant)
  • 2023: Life Made Easy – The Biggest Loser (contestant)

Ása Ástardóttir: YouTube, Instagram

YouTube: @asa.comedy

Instagram: asa.comedy

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