The abbreviation „W Take“ stands for „Winner Take“. „L Take“ stands for „Loser Take“.
„W Take“ stands for someone agreeing with an opinion expressed.
„L Take“ stands for the opposite. Someone disagrees with an opinion expressed.
What does W Take, L Take mean? Meaning, definition, explanation
Both expressions are used in internet and social media comment culture.
In essence, „W Take“ and „L Take“ are not about the truth at all, but about whether someone agrees or disagrees. The reasons why someone agrees or disagrees are then again a matter of opinion and this is where truth can play a role.
In a „W Take“ someone agrees because both (author and person commenting) have the same opinion and therefore it is assumed that the person has written the truth.
In an „L take“ someone disagrees and rejects the opinion expressed by another person because the person commenting sees it differently. Here the other person is then accused of not understanding something or being wrong.
„What a L take that he said xy.“ (So someone disagrees with what was said about).
„What a W Take.“ (Someone agrees with another person’s opinion).
„Such an L Take can also only be written by someone who has no idea.“ (Means: Such a wrong thing can also only be written by someone who has no idea. The person commenting indicates that they disagree).
Origin of „W Take“ and „L Take“
The expressions „W Take“ and „L Take“ probably come from US sports jargon.
There they speak of „take the loss“ and „take the win“. „Take the loss“ means „to accept a loss“. „Take the win means „to win“.
In internet culture, the expressions have been shortened. „Taking the loss“ became „taking the l“ or „take the loss“ became „take the l“.
Similarly, „taking the win“ became „taking the w“ and „take the win“ became „take the w“.
These expressions have now been further shortened to „W take“ and „L take“.