What does 4Lifers mean? Explanation, Meaning, Definition

„4Lifers“ means something like „BFFs“ (best friends forever).

What does 4Lifers mean? Explanation, meaning, definition

The expression „4Lifers“ is composed of the number „4“ and the word „Lifers“. The „4“ stands for the word „for“. „Lifers“ is a colloquial term in US English for prisoners who have received a life sentence and must serve it.

„4Lifers“ means „for Lifers“ and means „for life“, but not in the sense of imprisonment, but in the sense of friendship.

„4Lifers“ means that two people want to be best friends always (for life) and that they will always be part of each other’s lives.

People called 4Lifers enjoy the fullest trust and are there for you when you feel bad. You can count on them.

„4Lifers“ stands for a lifestyle of going through life, good times and difficult times together with another person. With 4Lifers, there is a connection. You always want to stick together.

Couples (partners) can refer to each other as 4Lifers, but friends and family can also be referred to as 4Lifers.

Example: „What are we? 4Lifers!“

Origin of 4Lifers

The TikToker @boobackbaby released a video in 2021 in which the rapper Lucki can be seen and heard saying „Ay what we are? 4lifers!“ This video went viral and spread the phrase 4Lifers.

More about 4Lifers

How many 4Lifers can you have? That’s debatable. Many would that you can only have one 4Lifers. After all, a lifelong friendship, from childhood to old age, is rather rare.

„4Lifers“ is a song by rapper Baby Tate. It was released in September 2022.

What is a lifelong friendship?

A lifelong friendship is a relationship between two people that usually lasts from childhood or adolescence to old age. A lifelong friendship is characterized by deep trust, understanding, emotional depth and mutual support.

A lifelong friendship means that both people can rely on each other, even if they do not see or speak to each other often. There is a (soul) connection between the two people that is built on many shared experiences and memories.

A lifelong friendship is one of the most valuable relationships a person can have.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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