Red light, green light – Squid Game, game rules, meaning, explanation.

The game „Red light, green light“ is an opening game in the series „Squid Game“. In English the game is called „red light, green light“.

Red light, green light – Squid Game, game rules

„Red light, green light“ or „red light, green light“ is a South Korean children’s game. In this game, all players compete together to cross a straight line and reach the finish line. In German-speaking countries, the game is known as „Donner, Wetter, Blitz“.

A central person (in the Squid Game it is a puppet) sings „red light, green light“. (This person is called „Es“ in the original. In the German version it is called „Rufer“ or „Ruferin.“) While she is singing, the participants may run. While the person is singing, she has turned away from the participants and covered her eyes with her hands so that she cannot see the players. When she stops singing, she turns around and checks to see if all the participants have frozen and are standing still. Anyone who does not stand still has lost the game (and must (actually) return to the start).

The game „Red light, green light“ or „red light, green light“ in the „Squid Game“ variant has a time limit. If you don’t make it to the finish line within that time limit, you lose. (In the first season of Squid Game, the game has a time limit of 5 minutes).

In the „Squid Game“ variant of „red light, green light“ or „red light, green light,“ participants who do not stand still, fidget, or move are eliminated.

The target of „red light, green light“ can vary. In „Squid Game“ it is shown that the goal is to get to the finish line. The game can also be played in such a way that the winner is the first person to high-five the caller.

Editor’s note: The colors are very reminiscent of a traffic light. The only difference is that we are allowed to drive when the light is green and have to stop when the light is red. Wouldn’t it therefore make more sense and be more logical to sing „green light, red light“? Because with green light the participants may run and with red light they must stand still. If we take the perspective of the character singing, the order of the song makes a little more sense. While singing „red light“ she sees nothing and has turned away. Then at the green light, she may become active.

See: K-Pop / Korean dictionary

„Red light, green light“: doll

The doll in „Squid Game“ in the „red light, green light“ game is inspired by drawings by Cheolsoo (Chulsoo) and Younghee. These drawings were popular in South Korea in the 1970s and 1980s.

The doll really exists. It is located in Jincheon County, Chungcheongbuk-do Province, South Korea.

See also: What does Gganbu mean?

„Red light, green light“: Original, More Info

The game „red light, green light“ really exists in South Korea. It is called there „mugunghwa kochi pieotsumnida“. It means in German: „The hibiscus flower has bloomed“. (Presumably as an allusion to the time of year from which it can be played).

In the series „Squid Game“, the doll sings in the original Korean:

„Aaja khele green light red light.
Ye khel hai nirala“

In English, this means:

„Red light, green light, 1, 2, 3!“

„Red light, green light“: other / German name

In Germany, „Red light, green light“ is known as „Thunder, weather, lightning“. The singing person here is called „Rufer“ or „Ruferin“. While the ringer is singing, he has turned away from the players. If he stops singing, he turns around and checks who is not standing still.

On TikTok, the game „red light, green light“ caused a little hype. Users had the song playing and moved around. When the song stops, they stand still.

On Roblox, the „red light, green light“ game led to users recreating the game.

Other info: Red Light Green Light

„Red Light Green Light“ is a song by Duke Dumont feat. Shaun Ross. It was released in 2019.

„Red Light Green Light“ is a song by rapper DaBaby. It was released in June 2021.

In the game „Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War“, the phrase „Red Light, Green Light“ also plays a role.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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