Who is Monica Poli? Life, profile, biography

Monica Poli is an Italian local politician and is involved in the citizens‘ initiative „Cittadini Non Distratti“.

In the summer of 2023, she became known as the woman who shouts „Attenzione Pickpocket. Attenzione Borseggiatrici“ shouting on the Internet.

Who is Monica Poli? Life, profile, biography

Monica Poli is 57 years old. She lives in Venice.

Monica Poli: Lega Nord

Monica Poli is a member of the Italian party „Lega Nord“. The „Lega Nord“ is a right-wing populist, separatist and nationalist party. Central themes of the party are anti-immigration, security and EU skepticism. The party is in favor of a ban on abortion and against LGBT marriage and immigration.

Monica Poli: Cittadini Non Distratti

Monica Poli has been involved in the citizens‘ initiative „Cittadini Non Distratti“ for about 30 years. The citizens‘ initiative has the goal that tourists and visitors are protected and warned against thieves and pickpockets.

Monica Poli: Attenzione Pickpocket. Attenzione Borseggiatrici

In the summer of 2023, videos by Monica Poli went viral showing people she was shouting at „Attenzione Pickpocket. Attenzione Borseggiatrici.“ (Attention pickpockets!) These people often ran away from her. Here the impression was created that these people were pickpockets.

Because of her videos, Monica Poli was also interviewed for the New York Times. Here she told that she has a sixth sense for pickpockets. She recognizes them easily.

Critics think that this is not a sixth sense, but racism. Monica Poli is said to have created sentiment against Roma.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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