Who is Matan Even? life, profile, biography

Matan Even is a US YouTuber, TikToker and streamer known for his flamboyant personality and crazy actions.

Matan Even: life, biography, profile

Matan Even was born on 23 April 2007. He is 15 years old, Jewish and lives in Los Angeles.

In 2019, Matan Even first came to prominence at the age of 12 through idiosyncratic public actions. As a spectator during an American basketball game, he held a T-shirt with the inscription „Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong“ in front of the camera.

At the same time, Matan Even opened an account on YouTube, which has already gained 124,000 subscribers by April 2023.

Matan Even: Game Awards, Memes

On 8 December 2022, Matan Even took the stage at the Game Awards, an annual award show for the best video games, after the Game of the Year award was given to the action-adventure Elden Ring.

He managed to get close enough to the microphone on stage to say, „I want to nominate this award to my Reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton“.

The sentence was deliberately nonsensical and Matan Even was arrested. The action triggered a wave of Matan Even memes in which he is often referred to as the „Bill Clinton kid“.

Matan Even: personality, reception

Since 17 December 2022, Matan Even has been regularly featured in videos on the YouTube channel NeonSniperPanda. In a kind of talk show format, he discusses with various OnlyFans erotic models, whom he accuses of having a negative influence on humanity.

Since February 2023, Matan Even has repeatedly attracted negative attention by interrupting livestreams of YouTubers and Twitch streamers taking place in public places, as well as harassing various athletes.

Critics therefore see Matan Even as an internet troll whose actions are only there to make his own mark. However, he has also gained many fans; Matan Even’s TikTok account has more than one million followers.

His TikTok videos reach a few hundred thousand views to a few million views.

His most successful YouTube video is „Matan Evens vs OF Girls“. It is a recording of a conversation between Matan Evens and several OF content creators. The video was released on 18 December 2022 and has garnered over 675,000 views to date (April 2023).

By the way: According to Google Trends, Matan Evens is particularly popular in Israel, Uruguay and Ireland.

Matan Even: TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, Instagram

TikTok: @mataneven

YouTube: @matanevenoff

Twitch: matanevens

Instagram: matanevenoff

Twitter: mataneven

His TikTok and Twitch motto is „Stop Talking, Start Listening.“ His YouTube, Twitter and Instagram motto is „Everybody Talks, Nobody Listens.“

On Instagram, Matan Even has over 1 million followers. On Instagram, he has over 119,000 followers. On YouTube, he has over 124,000 subscribers. On Twitter, he has over 220,000 followers. On Twitch, he has over 23,000 followers. (All as of April 2023)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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