Who is Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah? Life, profile, biography

Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah is a French real estate lawyer, real estate agent and model who has become known for his great wealth and distinctive looks.

Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah: life, biography, profile

Ilan Tobianah was born on November 22, 1971 in Paris. He is 51 years old, 1.87 m tall and his zodiac sign is Scorpio. Ilan is married and has three children, a daughter and two sons. Little is known about Ilan Tobianah’s personal life beyond that.

Ilan Tobianah has received the nickname Zeus because of his characteristic appearance with brown-gray hair, stylish gray beard and angular face, which resembles the Olympic god Zeus from Greek mythology.

Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah: career, wealth, fame

Ilan Tobianah graduated from the French University Paris-Sorbonne with a law degree. From 1999 he worked for the law firm „Moet et Associés“ in Paris. His specialty is real estate law. In addition to his career as a lawyer, Ilan himself regularly invested in real estate, became a real estate agent and started investing in start-ups.

In this way, he became a millionaire, which he aggressively flaunts by buying villas, luxury cars and clothes, and expensive jewelry. This includes pictures of his possessions, which he posts on his Instagram account. In addition, he posts stylish short videos on TikTok showing off his extravagant lifestyle. (Noticeable here is that he often shows that he drives a car barefoot).

The aura of the handsome and rich older man who resembles a Greek god has earned Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah a large following on his social media channels. Ilan has 1.7 million followers on TikTok and 950,000 followers on Instagram.

About himself, Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah says on social media: Mythical Figure, Life Player, Philanthropist, DJ, Model and Lawyer.

Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah: model, collaboration with top models

Ilan Tobianah regularly models for the luxury brands whose products he owns. For this he collaborates with well-known female French celebrities such as Margaux Heller, Sandra Buczny and Lilia Gud.

Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah: TikTok, Instagram

TikTok: @zeus.officiel_

Instagram: zeus.officiel_

On TikTok, Ilan „Zeus“ Tobianah has over 1.7 million followers. On Instagram, he has over 950,000 followers. (Both as of October 2023)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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