„Sticking out the gyat for the rizzler“ – meme, song, lyrics, explanation

„Sticking Out Your Gyat for the Rizzler“ is a song by tiktoker @papaboy020. He published this on his TikTok channel on October 5, 2023.

„Sticking Out Your Gyat for the Rizzler“ – meme, song, lyrics, explanation

The song „Sticking Out Your Gyat for the Rizzler“ contains slang expressions of Gen Z and Gen Alpha. It also makes reference to memes of these generations. These are: gyat, rizzler, skibidi, fanum tax, and sigma.

The music video features a Roblox character dancing and running around. The video reached over 3.7 million views by October 10, 2023, receiving over 450,000 likes and over 13,000 comments.

On TikTok, the song went viral. Papaboy’s vocals were used 28,000 times.

Lyrics of „Sticking Out Your Gyat for the Rizzler“: Content, Interpretation, Explanation

Sticking out your gyat for the rizzler,
You’re so skibidi,
You’re so fanum tax,
I just wanna be your sigma

Partly these two lines are still used:

Freaking come here
Give me your ohio

The first line can be decoded as follows: „Sticking out“ means that someone or something stands out by sticking something out. „Gyat“ is an exclamation for when a woman has attractive curves. (Usually meaning the buttocks.) Rizzler means that someone has a lot of charisma and interacts easily with others. „Sticking out your gyat“ could therefore mean that a woman sticks out her butt so that a charismatic man can see it better.

The exact meaning of the other lyrics is not clear. Skibidi refers to a meme that is very popular among Gen Alpha. Fanum Tax“ refers to a US-American streamer. Sigma refers to a man (in the most positive sense) who goes his own way alone.

The line „I just wanna be your sigma“ expresses the desire for success and a partner.

In the context of the first and fourth lines, „You’re so skibidi“ and „You’re so fanum tax“ must be understood as praise. „You’re so skibidi“ may mean that someone is very funny.

But it could also be that the lyrics are meaningless and have no meaning. So, one can sing these words only jokingly.

The editors suspect that a snippet of „Safe and Sound“ from „Capital Cities“ was used as the melody.

About @papaboy020

Nothing is known about the user @papaboy020. Since he plays Roblox and his voice sounds very young, he is believed to be under 16 years old and belongs to Generation Alpha. @papaboy020 has been active on TikTok since January 2023.

His other videos have between 5000 and 10,000 views. Some videos even have a few tens of thousands to even a few hundred thousand views. The games Roblox and Minecraft are often the topic.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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