Who is Rango Tenge Tenge? Memes, TikTok, Child, Explanation

Rango Tenge Tenge, also known as the Tenge Tenge child, is an eleven-year-old boy from Uganda. Rango Tenge Tenge became known in 2024 for his unique dance and collaborations with various social media stars.

On February 3, 2024, Rango Tenge Tenge released a video with the well-known content creator Noel goes crazy. This video received more than 200 million views within two weeks and made Rango Tenge Tenge instantly famous (worldwide on the internet).

Who is Rango Tenge Tenge? Memes, TikTok, Child, Explanation

Not much is known about Rango Tenge Tenge. He is 11 years old and comes from Uganda. It is not known exactly which region or city he comes from. It is also not known what language he speaks.

Rango Tenge Tenge is only known on social media under his pseudonym „Rango Tenge Tenge“. He is also only called Tenge Tenge Kind by third parties.

Rango Tenge Tenge’s videos always have a similar structure: the videos start with a close-up. Rango Tenge Tenge is shown smiling. It is zoomed out. There is a funny interaction and at the end there is dancing or the whole video is a pure dance video.

The audio is usually a children’s song in which „Tenge Tenge“ is sung. The song is called „Tengelele“.

Rango Tenge Tenge has been posting videos on TikTok and pictures / videos on Instagram since 2023.

Rango Tenge Tenge became so famous in 2024 that he was allowed to dance on stage at a Chris Brown concert. Rango Tenge Tenge also performed in a stream (in January) from the streamer IShowSpeed.

Rango Tenge Tenge: gofundme

A fundraising campaign has been launched for Rango Tenge Tenge. Money is being collected to support Rango’s family.

Link to gefundme: Help Rango’s Family in Uganda

Rango Tenge Tenge: Reception

The way Rango Tenge Tenge dances and creates his videos has led to many imitators. Rango Tenge Tenge became a meme.

There are countless videos on TikTok that reference and are based on Rango’s dance and video style.

Editor’s comment: Rango Tenge Tenge has become known worldwide on the Internet without saying a word and only through his funny way. This shows how the Internet and the meme culture work at their core: A unique (previously unknown) dance, some attention and you can become known worldwide.

Rango Tenge Tenge: TikTok, Instagram

TikTok: @rangotengetenge

Instagram: rango_tenge_tenge

Rango Tenge Tenge has over 800,000 followers on Instagram. On TikTok he has over 3.9 million followers. (All as of February 2024)

The editorial team is not aware of Rango Tenge Tenge’s connection to the TikTok account @rangotengetengeofficial. It appears that this account is a copy of Rango Tenge Tenge.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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