What does the number 187 mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The number 187 is the number of the section in the California Penal Code that deals with murder. The code „One-Eight-Seven“ is used in police radio communications. Gangs have picked up on the three-number combination and use it as a threat to commit murder. The number has spread among gangs and in rap in the United States, the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, and Germany. Rap artists use the number in their lyrics or as a name for their crew.

187 is rarely pronounced „One-hundred-eighty-seven,“ but rather: „One-Eight-Seven“ or „One-Eighty-Seven.“

187 in California Penal Code: Meaning, Explanation

California Penal Code section 187 is defined as follows: „The unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.“ The exception is the birth of a child that could lead to the death of the mother, for which the death of the child is considered.
Bail for murder in California is $750,000.

In the German penal code, „187“ would stand for section 187 defamation. A libel is a defamatory and disparaging statement.

Spread of 187

In the 1992 rap song „Deep Cover“ by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, 187 is mentioned in the hook.

The German gangsta rap group „187 Strassenbande“ uses the number in their name. Their members are: Gzuz, Bonez Mc, LX, Maxwell, SA4 and Frost.

„187 – A Deadly Number“ is the title of a 1997 movie, starring Samuel L. Jackson. The movie is about an idealistic teacher at a New York problem school who becomes a victim of state violence after a student writes the numbers „187“ in his textbook.

„187 Ride or Die“ was the name of a video game released by Ubisoft in 2005 for PS2 and Xbox. The game was a mix of action and racing game. It received below average reviews.

„187 Shadow Lane“ is a movie released in 2003.

The British band „187 Lockdown“ named their first solo album „187“.

The wrestler „Nelson Erazo“ also goes by the name „Homicide“ or „Notorious 187.“

„Come to 187“ is a song by Gzuz. He raps among other things: „187 that’s more than just rapping lyrics“.

„187“ is a song by Snoop Dogg. He raps, among other things: „The 1-8-7 don’t stop, on undercover cops“.

„What happened“ is a song Gzuz feat. Bonez MC. Lyrics line: „What happened, happened, 187 controlled.“

„187“ is a song by C-Bo. He raps among other things: 187 and it’s murder (murder).

„Forza 187“ is a song by Sa4. He raps, among other things: „That’s three hundred horsepower, digga, Forza 187“.

„187“ is a song by Juicy Gay. Lyrics: „All I want is 187 and booze“.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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