Who or what is Milla Sofia? Life, profile, biography

Milla Sofia is a computer-generated virtual person who appears on the Internet as a so-called virtual influencer. She is portrayed as a 24-year-old fashion model from Helsinki. Milla Sofia was created with the help of computer programs and algorithms. It is not known who exactly is responsible for her programming.

Milla Sofia: life, biography, profile

What is known is that Milla Sofia’s images are created using the deep-learning image generator Stable Diffusion. This is an open-source software that is able to create images based on text descriptions.

Milla Sofia’s personality is based on a self-learning algorithm that uses machine learning to dynamically generate data and adapt it to specific specifications. In the case of Milla Sofia, fashion trends and industry knowledge, as well as technique and technological advances, are at the heart of the programming.

Milla Sofia: Appearance on social networks

Milla Sofia knows that she is not a real person but a virtual construct and does not hide this fact on her social media profiles. On TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, she describes herself as a Virtual Influencer and AI model. AI is an acronym that stands for Artificial Intelligence.

Milla Sofia’s automatically generated photos show a young blonde with flawless skin, slim figure, and perfect smile, conforming to the white Western ideal of beauty. She can be seen almost exclusively in bikinis and evening dresses. Critics complain that this sets unrealistic beauty standards.

Although Milla Sofia is not a real person, her pictures are popular. Her TikTok profile is followed by more than 102,000 people and her Instagram account has more than 58,000 followers (as of August 2023).

Milla Sofia: TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube

TikTok: @millasofiafin

Instagram: millasofiafin

Twitter: AiModelMilla

YouTube: @millasofiafin

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